Sunday, October 30, 2005

Our "Little" Project

So our house (not yet home) is a HUGE project that stands before us..... these pics were taken at the beginning of the week. Now the walls are riddled with holes, there is no plumbing, wires hang from various places where lights should be...and it stills smells mildly like urine. HAVE NO FEAR! :) We have a handful of mighty warriers with the strength to fight off such pestilence! :)
Soon, this mess will be beautiful and full of visitors. Many thanks to all who helped us this week: Mom and dad for babysitting, Chris for just stopping by because you like to encourage us, Cam for ALWAYS being there to do whatever nasty task is at hand (banging holes in the walls, etc etc etc), Karli for your cleaning supplies, and to so many others... thank you thank you. I hope you enjoy your pies. :)

THis pic of the kitchen counter-top is now out-dated....dave and i ripped off the counter top, and plan to replace this unit.

The bathroom was the only room with a color on the walls...besides the dirty blue in some other places, but that is soooo pale it doesn't count. This room has also changed throughout the week, now missing the vanity, sink, shower stall, and wall panelling. (which we ripped completely out)

THis is our beloved attic. it looks terrible in this pic, but it is really a beautiful least in my imagination it is. THe floor in reality is quite lovely, but everything else needs a lot of work. (walls and such, little things you know.....)

Well, that is our story. much to come in the future.
love and joy, from sue
here is our fireplace.....

Thursday, October 20, 2005

storehouse full

God fills our storehouses to overflowing! :)

it is hard to believe that we have received from friends and freecycle:
- two single beds (one is a captain style, perfect for julia to move into soon, the other a regular single, for a guest bed)
- two IKEA shelving units
- one dresser and one desk(matching)
- a 25$gift cert for dinner
-dinning room table, 5 chairs and hutch
- PIANO (pending)
- BBQ (pending)
- patio table (glass) and chairs(lovely)
- knee high book shelf (very long, perfect for the attic)
- washer
- dryer
- fridge
- stove
- freezer
-microwave (pending pickup)
-and this is just in the last couple weeks.....perviously we received other items. unimportant to this post. :)

yep. JOIN FREECYCLE. this is not a paid advertisment. it is free. (cycle)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

desk from PAM

this is just ONE of 15 things we have received from freecycle, and friends......... BLESSINGS BLESSINGS, God is soooooooooo good to us. :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Just like daddy

Our dear Julia is such a lovely character to be around....she is so refreshing. THe last few days have been a great time for her to spend with beloved daddy, and here are some pics showing how she wants to be like him. (a great person to emulate) Working alongside us is a joy for her, as with most children i suppose. When we were moving furniture today from 'Grandma Pams' Julia was right there helping keep track of the screws and dowels. Constantly, we are blown away by how much she HELPS us, actually HELPS get the work done. CHildren can do adn understand so much more than we give them credit for.

see ya. bye.

Friday, October 14, 2005

The end of an age

Dear Reader,

Little has happened o'r the past few days, however, i must write for my avid fans. (ahem..i do have fans...) All week i have been ill. The common cold, however i received the energy-sapping side of it ten fold. Julia was a dear and put up with my 'laziness' for the beginning of our week together, however, i do feel she has tired of me. My proof: at church on wednesday she walked herself into the nursery as if to say, "finally, people with legs that work; they can be my servants for the evening!!" Yes, she had a splendid time. It is such a joy to pick her up because her reaction of late (the last few weeks) has been to squeal and fold her hands under her chin as she dances towards us. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute.

New things with Julia: many hugs. many kisses. many cuddles. helping us like crazy!! (last night dave was cleaning up 'his corner' and trying to keep her out of the mess when she looked him in the eye and proclaimed "Help". So, dave asked her to hand things to him, and JULIA helped him clean up his toys.)

the pic that i posted here is Julia and Taylor (Jay and Robyn's cutie) making a fort whilest the adults decorate for the wedding last weekend. They play very nicely together. Tay is sweet with the Jules. :)

well. i'm tired. my throat is sore. my body aches. i think i 'm going to have some board game and ice cream therapy.

much love to all you folkies.
from susan

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Cleaning Queen

So, my precious daughter is a fabulous cleaner. I finished vacuuming the other day, and she didn't think it was satisfactory i guess, because she went back over what i had done ! haha. it was so sweet!

Well, after that she stood on a chair - so as to be nearly my height - and helped me 'wash' dishes, dry them, and give her dolly a bath. Then, this surprized me the most, she proceded in giving dolly a massage-like drying off ! (that is what i do for amazing what a great caregiver she is! ha)

anyhow. we just underwent a busy busy day of wedding. here are some pics.


Thursday, October 06, 2005

As the day approaches....

Dear friends,

this weekend is a bright and busy one. Friends of ours, Jay and Robyn, are to be married and we are all involved. Dave is the best man (apparently i'm not the only one who thought so!), i am a brides-matron, and Julia is the flower girl (yippeeeeeeeee)!! :) Besides those positions of honor and responsibility... i was allowed to bake the cakes! how exciting. i can't believe that Robyn entrusted this to me....but hey, i love adding things to my repetoir! :) (good spelling isn't on that list...just so you know) here are some pics of the pre-wedding process:

Monday, October 03, 2005


not now, i'm on the phone! :)

oh yeah, i made those pants from cool material karli bought me for my bday!!! i tried doing it without a pattern (because i am stubborn like that) and although they look cute and fit fine.....i think i've cured myself of trying to do it without a pattern ever again, well, maybe. ha.
