seeing double
Last night, after a quick visit with great Opa, we saw God's beautiful artistry in the sky. What skill He has! a double rainbow. isn't it lovely?
Eze. 1:28
"Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. When i saw it, i fell facedown, and i heard the voice of one speaking."
with all the beautiful, bright and interesting things we get to see day after day , the rainbow may have lost some of it's 'wonder' for us i suppose. but if we think about how it is there, and why it is there, the awe may return. just consider that God made everything in the universe in such a way that rainbows can form, he organized every droplet of water, every ray of light and created each color, just so that when all the pieces are in place, we can see this beautiful
Wow! Absolutely gorgeous pic's Sue!
What an awesome reminder of God's promise to never destroy all flesh again with water (Gen. 9)...even though, I must say, the wickedness of this world deserves it. Each time I see one of these I am reminded of his mercy.
The cake looks pretty yummy!
dave took the pics,he had the good eye! (and the free hands, heehee)
I agree the pics are amazing...especially the city-burning one! What fun moments just appreciating the wonder of the world around us...good for our kiddos to learn from. Any updates on Julia's leg?
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