Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Homemade Christmas (mostly)

Our Children were blessed with many homemade and non-homemade things this year. Mercy got a hat for herself, and a matching one for her doll, a crocheted horse, a book, a beautiful quilt, and a doll with a stroller.

Julia received: a hat, with a matching one for her doll "taryn", a new outfit for Taryn, a book, a lovely home sewn apron, a crocheted horse, and beads.

sam: crocheted monsters (A huge hit!!), a book, a beautiful quilt full of memories (like uncle eric's shirts, etc), machines, and a table for his trains to go on.

here are some photos of them acquiring these thoughtful gifts.....

we all agree, this has been the most peaceful, restful, stress-less Christmas season yet. I especially loved watching the children be so so so happy and excited about their homemade things. When Sam is peacefully satisfied snuggling in his special blankets, or with his "munsters", it warms my heart to know who made them, and the love that went into every stitch. I'd write more, but i'm really tired from a lot of seasonally late evenings of FUN. Perhaps i'll write more another day, about our travels to B-town and our visit with the EVER SO WONDERFUL V.O.'s.



At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to your beautiful family! Love all the gifts. What a lot of work to make quilts!


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