Thursday, May 19, 2011


As chicken pox finally enters our home, I realize that even though I knew it would be here someday, I don't know what to do. First thing in the morning I call the doctor, confirming that I do not need an appointment since I am 99% sure of her diagnosis. I'm thankful that the "sick" symptoms only lasted over the first night, by midday Julia was out gardening with me and the kids in the sunshine, scooter-ing around, and making dandelion chains.

What a girl. At one in the morning, flashing back to the first pox night, Julia had a sick tummy and was feeling uncomfortably itchy. As I held her hair back, got her a drink and assisted in her sick-tummy-troubles ( she threw up ), she says to me, "You are such a good mommy." and "Thank you". As I tuck her into bed she grabs my hand and says, "Let's pray mommy". Seriously? Can a seven year old be this cute and lovely at the same time? Well, now that my heart is mush from her compliment to me, she could really ask for anything, half the kingdom, and I'd give it to her!! ha. okay, just kidding. But my heart was so warmed by her words, it makes getting up in the middle of the night so so so much nicer when children are thankful for it! :)

We pray. She snuggles in and goes back to sleep. I head back to my room, thinking about her words. Thanking God for a glimpse of sweetness, a heart that is turning to God in the midst of her struggles, and a little girl who remembers to be thankful even when she is feeling her worst.

hmmm. What a testimony to me.


At 11:25 AM, Blogger Doug said...

We know what a sweetie Julie is (and her mom) and she knows Who to turn to when in time of trouble!

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Sue said...

yep. it's good to see child like faith.


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