Sunday, July 10, 2005

Pretend Play

Dear Folks,

Julia began exploring with 'pretend play' today! She has done a few things before: like feeding her dolls, putting Teddy on her car and driving him around, or putting all the bears on the rocking chair and then rocking them. But today she had her first 'tea party', with my help.

I made a table for her, and placed her bears around it. A lovely checkered cloth, to make things feel homey, and Julia's own plastic dishes adorned the 'table'. Then, once my part was done, Julia proceded with the dinner party. She made her rounds, ensuring that every guest had their fill of the mysterious clumps of food on her empty fork and spoon. (I'm not sure how safe the 'food' was though, after each serving her 'guests' promptly fell over and remained immoveable, one even passed out on the 'table'!)

Well, i hope this doesn't keep any of you from stopping by for supper. As far as i know, this episode has never happened when people eat my lovingly prepared food......

That is all for now. The End.


At 10:40 AM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

I'll come to her next tea party Please!!! even if it kills me. (that made me laugh alot!)

happy day to you all


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