Thursday, November 17, 2005

UPDATE, downdate, sidedate, rounddate.

Exciting events have kept us from posting for a while now. So here is a wee update for all you fans out there. :)

Packing our house into boxes has proved to be a delightful job, especially in the pre-packed stage, when Julia can play in all the empty boxes! haha. Here is a fab fort that dave created for Jules, and boy did she love it! :)

I know what some of you are thinking, ahem*aunt carla*, haha. "oh no! they are teaching her already!!" but have no fear! haha. She is BOUND to have some of the fort-ing genes , and we are prepared for that. (in fact, i have them still, so i think it may be more prominent in julia since i want to build forts for myself on occassion.....)

Here is a train that we created out of a moving box and some crafty items around the house. I have yet to put the CN on the side, but the flag is there. :)

Tea party tea party. Julia loves to serve us coffee, and tea to the dollies. (they are too young for the caffine.) Unfortunately, the carpet gets a bit of a soaking with teapartyplaytime. Occassionally i am fast enough to grab the mats that absorb up to a litre of liquid for her to sit upon, but that doesn't always happen.....oops.

Washing dishes with mommy. "Hey mom, is this one clean yet??"

Julia likes to help out.And i am quite proud of my 'makeshift' apron that i created just today. it is a tea towel that began to tear, so i ripped the hole into a head sized opening for Miss Julia to wear it as an apron. Voila!

And here is the Birthday party of a miss Emily Hills. she turned TWO!! Julia had fun playing the party game, and exploring the new toys at the Hills' home. Thank you to AMy and Paul for the wonderful evening!! Amy is the queen of the party scene, there is always some fun idea up her sleeve!

I think that is about it for now.

love to all. good'ay!


At 12:06 AM, Blogger poof said...

Yep, yer freakin' me out Sue...should we hide all the nails and the hammers on the little fort clone when you bring her here?

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Sue said...

heehee, maybe! :)

At 6:22 PM, Blogger Robyn said...

great post Sue! I love what Julia looks like in your apron.
If you need boxes let me know. We are almost unpacked so you are welcome to our boxes.
I have been a bad girl and not posted on our blog for a while, but maybe now that we have the internet at the new place it might be a bit easier!

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Sue said...

i KNOW! i keep checking, and you had nothing! (but that is okay, you were BUSY!)
talk soon.

At 11:51 AM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

Cute cute cute! Keep up the good child rearing, and the good packing! I hate packing... sorry i can't be much of an encouragement, but it does end (isn't that was they say about child birth too? He he)


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