Sunday, December 11, 2005

merry Christmas!

dave commissioned this for me as a christmas gift!! How exciting!! IT was during the christmas market last week, where a blacksmith was set up heating, banging, making beautiful things... I am so thrilled because he actually TOLD them how he wanted it to look, and voila! it was so! A gift that he designed, oooo lala.

and of course...i received the gift THAT NIGHT. since we ALL KNOW Mr. Dave cannot keep a secret! hahahaha. (not that i'm complaining...since i tend to be that way at times...ahem)

anyway. i thought everyone should see it. lovely eh? you can't tell from the pic, but the metal is all flecked across the top. my favorite thing is the curly-q soooo swweeeeet.
signing out: silly sue


At 9:55 PM, Blogger Shari said...

That is so beautiful! It's funny, because as soon as I saw it, I was going to comment that my favorite part was the scrolly hooks, and then I read that you liked the same part! We're such girls! :-)

My grandpa (my dad's dad) was a blacksmith in the early 1900s in Tiger Hills, Saskatchewan. I've always wished I had something that he made.

My hubby and I can't keep secrets very well from each other either. I did manage to take him to a Cubs game last year and kept it a secret until the very last minute. He thought we were going to a church event! LOL!

At 7:18 AM, Blogger Sue said...

Ha! Yeah, secrets are overrated i guess! Now that dave has seen a blacksmith work and create, he is in love with the art. His last hobby was chain maille (making necklaces, bracelets, dice bag, wall hangings), so this isn't far off i suppose. I'm excited to see what he does with it, if he gets his own forge and such. :)

At 11:25 AM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

Very beautiful. It will be so exciting to pick the perfect place in your new house! Joy to the World!


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