White fluffy cold soft -- SNOW
It happened.
Snow has fallen for the past two days now, and we had a good half a foot last night when i ventured out to take these unsuccessful pictures....haha i took a couple and thought, hmmm...it's snowing, they are ALL going to look like white dot photos. Anyway, it is lovely. The downside, i HATE driving in the snow, especially in the city. There are just tooooooooo many cars around. Julia loves it, and we walk all about when the wind takes a lunch break. (otherwise we look like two sunburned creatures from the wind whipping our faces) When it proves to be too cold for a long walk, we shuffle across the snowladden road to George's house where he serves delicious green tea and baby cookies.
Lately Julia has had an explosion of words. Since approximately the beggining of November she has been repeating all that she hears and feels the need to say. (very cute) Verb usage has begun, and sentences are forming. "I want a balloon" "i want a cookie" "i want ______" you get the idea. haha. She likes to figure things out -- otherwise known as revealing the obvious...haha, "Mommy's banana", "daddy's hat", "Julia's shoes". Very fun. I love that we can understand sooooooo much now, and that she knows a lot of what we say as well.
well, i should go. a new day to play............ love to all
Let is snow let it snow let it snow!!! Love the pictures Sue, now you need to get Taylor and Julia together and make a snowman!
Awwww, i want a child...! Oh wait.. he he he! I am always amazed by your energy and ideas! Julia sure is blossoming. Do you think she remebers snow from last year? I have been enjoying getting all bundled up and going out in the snow, occasionaly (ahh, i know i can't have elephants living above me because that is simply absurd, but i think the people upstairs must have elephants for pets... thump, thump, bang... and man, do they ever move alot of chairs around.. dragg... thunk, scratch!) The snow here is all dirty now.. boo. I hope your snow stays crispy and white! I like the dot pictures. And there is nothing as cute as a toddler all bundled up! Keep on living and learning Julia. You can tell her i said that. Oh, and be sure to teach her about yellow snow! He he. Can't wait till the next time we get to see you! Maybe we can coordinate trips in the spring or summer! Lots of love
Here's hoping we have some of that white stuff during your time in B.C. for the cousins to play in - a real Canadian Christmas. We'll get out the crazy carpets as soon as we get the chance. Julia looks like a real snow bunny! See you soon. - Dad and Mum H.
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