Tuesday, December 20, 2005

We arrived!!

WE are here in BC and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. Baby Mekaia was born about a half hour after we arrived at my parents home!! ha! So we visited with Nana and Grandpa for a while, until it was time to go to the hospital . Sarah, Nu and Baby-M looked wonderful! AND YOU WILL NEVER GUESS HOW MUCH HE WEIGHED!! HA.

so i want you all to guess. I"m not even going to give a hint, not even Lesina's weight, or sarah or nu's....you are on your own!! Once i have a few guesses in i'll post the ANSWER. (sarah, and other family members are excluded from this contest...and the prize...i'll let you know what that is later....*ahem*. heehee
so love to all. family is well. JULIA LOVES LESINA, and they have SOOOOOOOOOO much fun together. man! they are hilarious. last night they were running around, chasing eachother through the house, fighting over the facet when playing at the sink, and screeching at one another. oooooh man. they are going to have a good time.

anyway. love to all, again, take care and talk to me! haha. (i'm addicted to comments...just so you know...haha)

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! May the joy of the Lord be in all you do this season.


At 1:22 PM, Blogger Robyn said...

Susan! Glad to hear you made it. Glad to hear you sister had her baby also. That is wonderful that you could be there for her. I am going to make a guess of 10.5 lbs!! I only guess that because that is what they have estamated my sister at!! Send our congratulations to the family!
Wonderful to hear you are there safe and sound!

At 11:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh what fun the little cousins will have!!! We will miss you for Christmas but are looking forward to Jan. 11 2006.
Love, hugs and kisses from Mama Naus

At 11:17 AM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

Many congratulations to your sister. She must be feeling happy and relieved. A tiny little one for Christmas! How nice. I am going to guess the baby is 8ish pounds. I don't know anything about the other's birth weights. I found out the other day that i was 16 inches, and 6lbs and just a few ounces.. and there there is dave... 23 inches, and 10 lbs... eeekkk what will ours be like??? I guess i have always just been short... but i had a nice round head! Have a great day, talk to you soon. OH, and there will be a little something something waiting at your new place for you when you get home to sarnia! Love us

At 1:06 PM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

I want to guess too!


Yay! Guessing is Fun!

At 1:10 PM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

PS> I'm addicted to comments too!

Can you believe that some people read regularly but never comment? MAN!

At 12:40 AM, Blogger poof said...

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