Friday, March 03, 2006

Ahhh, the things that come UP with a new home...

Dear darling readers,

if you have a weak stomach - stop reading.

Today has marked the initiation of our new home......yes that 's right, Dave and I awoke to very sick stomachs and were puking most of the day....and then really tired the rest of much so that we could BARELY get up to make Julia snacks and dinner. Thankfully we have family nearby that rescued us, and Julia was able to spend most of the day with Opa, Oma and Uncle Adam. She is still there, and will be all night....just to keep her healthy. :) she kinda had this, but THANK THE LORD, it was only throwing up three times (and not really being bothered by it....curious, and a wee bit scared at one point, but very straightforward with an "i want mommy" and some cuddles and she was fine) man, if she had this....whewwwwwwwww........i just wouldn't want it at the same time. (dave and i didn't have good timing with this one....both sick at the same time....ick.)

Well, it seems we have made it through the day, and dave is much much better. I have had a few more boughts, but i'm on the mend too. Just a word of caution to anyone out there that is receiving this 'olympian flu' (i titled it that in honor of our curling team in Turin that all thought they had food poisoning, until their symptoms were spread to everyone else....oops)....chew your noodles before you swallow...they hurt on the way up!

Sorry , i had to.
To all the was the March Epidemic alllllllllllllllllllllll over again!!!!

love from the sicklysue


At 7:25 PM, Blogger Sarafina said...


At 7:26 PM, Blogger Sarafina said...

Feel better soon lovelies. thanks for spoiling my appetite to make dinner. I prescribe hot bath, hot tea and hot soup (no noodles).

At 8:26 PM, Blogger poof said...

You poor dears! Glad you are finally in your house, but what a way to start...Hope you are feeling better...we know all about the noodles...Jamie left all her Mr. Noodles on the floor of G&H grocery store a few years ago...we walked in, we made mess, we left...(sorry Sarah)...

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Robyn said...

hope you feel better soon.. it sure isn't fun being sick.. mind you I think I would rather be sick then deal with the things I have been dealing with....
Miss you guys.. could have used your ear the other day... ah well.. let us know when you are settled...

At 5:48 AM, Blogger Sue said...

we are better now! hurray hurrah! thanks for the cares! :)


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