Friday, February 03, 2006

happy birthday mom hillson!! :) we love you!

Today is cold, or warm, or both.
i don't really know...
the weather is confused you see-
for outside is RainSnow.

we went walking to and fro
to find which season we are in,
I'm more confused now than before,
for each new day is not akin!

So yes, we are in limbo as far as weather goes...i like it. sometimes cold and snowing (but it never stays! heehee) and sometimes lovely and warm adn rainy...perfect for going outside everyday!

My exercise 'program' is working out wonderfully so far. i have been running every other day for a week now. and doing floor exercises the other days.(if i remember!ha)

here are some pics. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMMMMMMMY HILLSON! The first picture is miss julia dressing up to go 'shopping' , and the basket is full of things from the grocery store of her imagination...i believe she said they were carrots...and soap... yes. that was it.

the next pic is of miss julia licking her fingers of the delicious chocolate brownies mommy gave her. Yes, she is a girl. :) loves chocolate . :)heehee.


At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Susan!
What a gorgeous little girl you have!! I have not seen her since your shower in Abby (she was 4-5 months old, I think). Well it looks like you are having fun with your family! How is the house coming along? Congrats, by the way. That's so exciting!
Love, Natalie

At 11:33 PM, Blogger Robyn said...

Sue, she looks more like Little Red!! How cute. Glad things are gonig well for you~~

At 3:43 PM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

Hi Sue! thanks for stopping by our site!
As i am sitting here i think dave and i should call you and dave. It is sunday afternoon so there is a higher chance that you are both around! Dave is watching batman, but i think he will be done in a minute then we can call and say hello! Cute pictures of Julia! She is such a lovely little almost-2-year-old gal... such bright eyes. He fingers are lucky to get brownies! Both of our daughters are the luckiest ever and have FABULOUS parents and love love love them. You two are an inspiration to us to love and cherish our little one.
I haven't read the book yet, but i will soon read it to dave and corrina! that will be fun fun fun!
Happy house creating to you friends.
Janers, davers, corrinaers

At 1:26 PM, Blogger Sarafina said...

Hi Susu,
so nice to see what my cutest niece is up to - she's going to have a great imagination like her momma! We missed you at Mom's birthday party! love to all you 3!!


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