Tuesday, April 04, 2006

prayerful day

Julia prayed today. it was very funny. She prays a lot, but today was different. heehee.

we were eating lunch, and our 'big thing' right now is not letting her spit out her food....so after she did, i told her not to and all that fun stuff....so immediately she bows her head, furrows her brow and folds her hands while whispering "Lord pray Julia spit out food" . hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

oh man. i don't know how to keep from cracking up when she does this....but i am pretty sure she does it in seriousness .... haha. oooooh man.

that's my funny story for today.


At 5:54 PM, Blogger Sarafina said...

she cracks me up!!! I'm rolling on the ground laughing right now...

At 6:04 PM, Blogger mammasita said...

AWWW that is so so cute, by the way Im Robyns Sister Keyra. Your little one is really cute! That just reminds me of the things that Taylor prayed for at that age. I cant wait til my Daughter is talking. she's just cooing and what not now and its so much fun!

At 2:11 PM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

Oh Julia... Is it so adorable that she trusts God and thinks that he will help her out whenever she needs it, even when mom and dad say no! We were over at a friends house for dinner one night and they asked their two year old what they should thank God for at the dinner table. He thought about it and replied that they should pray for nothing. So, dad went ahead and thanked God for nothing, and the little guy was very happy. It was so precious. I just love knowing that children so small can understand God in their own little ways. It is just awesome that already you can teach Julia about faith and love. I love it!
Take care


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