Friday, June 06, 2008

random things for a HOT DAY

twice in the pool and once in the tub-- you know it is a hot day when most of it is spent in WATER!!! :)
our budding musician!
Another sign of it being a good day (or at least better than yesterday!) the second load of laundry drying on the line.

Time to sit and sweat. and maybe do dishes now that my drain is fixed!! what a great night! haha. oh but it really is, because dave is home and the kids are in bed and now we can rest in the heat of our 40 degree day.


At 9:24 PM, Blogger The dB family said...

Love Sam's curly hair! Isn't humidity a wonderful thing?!?

At 11:48 AM, Blogger Sue said...

yes, it truly is the humidity that causes crazy curls in this house. :)

i can't believe how heavy the air became this past week... ug.

At 11:01 PM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

Oh my that is one hot day! We really haven't hit the 'hot' weather yet! You are welcome to come visit our house this summer (we make a great vacation location!), when you're really sweating (we have AC now!).

Hope the diapers enjoy the hot sun.. nothing like a fresh cloth diaper from the sun on a clean bum! And if you have a garden, I hope the plants enjoy the light! We are working on ours... slowly!
Take care


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