Tuesday, September 16, 2008

sick day(s)

Our little man. isn't he sweet? he is very excited that he can 'cruise' around the living room, slowly figuring out what furniture needs to be where so that he can make it as far around the room as possible. i think it's hilarious that my son, at 17 (almost 18) months old is just mastering the 'cruising' stage of development! haha.
yep. sick sick sick. bla. i DON'T recommend being due just after school begins... if anyone recalls, the first couple weeks of school usually get all the germs out and passed around. sooooo there is a great many of us sick and taking care of sick kids these days. Fortunately: the kids have not been sicksick.... sam threw up once, julia complained about a tummy ache and a head ache.... Unfortunately: i threw up every hour for a whole night. bla. and Now, dave is coming down with some of this nasty sickness..... boo. The picture shows my kids loving me and taking care of me. Julia gave me a foot massage, brought me water, and helped a lot... sam just cuddled with feet... and then my tummy. what a sweet bunch of kids i have!!!! my hubby took such good good care of mee too! :) i couldn't have made it through without him!
isn't it interesting that these things happen a week before being due?
a week before sam was due.... julia had her first ear infection... and now this... interesting. it's like... "murphy's law"... ha! oh well. at least i'm in better physical condition now.. in case i go into labor.
Dave caught this moment. i call it a moment because this MASSIVE web reached from this small circle out to the porch, and the tree, and the toy chest on the ground 4 feet below... There were long strands precariously stretched for miles-upon-spider-miles, just waiting to be torn, or blown away.
neat eh?

well, in other news: Julia is LOVING SCHOOL. and i have to say that i am as well. I love her teacher, the way the school runs, the other kids in her class (that i know) and hanging out with the other moms when we pick our kids up in the afternoon at the playground. i am truly excited to (one day soon) have time to volunteer, or find out more about the school and how i can be involved-- because it is a really great place for kids to grow and learn. anyway: that's my happy brain moment for now.

More News: no baby yet. no progress. but that's normal for me. i don't get any pre-labor signals, i just... go into labor. Sam is enjoying his 'mama' days, he gets really chatty when it is just he and i at home. Although, perhaps he is always this chatty, but gets eclipsed by his sisters' overly chattiness. some of his latest words: "mo" for more (although he still prefers to just use his sign language for that one) "Cracky" for cracker. "owl" for owl. (i think he learned this due to a recent Owl in the Family, that Opa rescued) "gogurk" or "gogi" for yogurt. and there are always new ones!! i LOVE language development!!! :)

that's all for now. FOLKS.


At 12:07 AM, Blogger Sarafina said...

Aww....love all the news sis! And pics too! I'm glad you're feeling better, but poor poor Dave now! Crazy how those things happen right before the baby is due! Tried to call you today, will try again Thursday..things are busy around here!!
love ya!!

At 1:17 AM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

Oh Susan, that sounds just awful. You are a fabulous healer though, and seem to make it through the worst of bugs. I hope Dave is completely healthy for the arrival of little Mercy. I now know three people who have had their babies in the past 2 weeks, and I can't wait until I can say I know FOUR! Still praying that timing will work out well with Karli's wedding! Take care

At 12:08 PM, Blogger derek salmon said...

poor you being sick :( ugh

i hope you are well mended by now! i didnt realize your son was 17 months. i'm sure he and baby will be great friends once baby grows up a little :)

looking forward to when baby arrives. i on the other hand have all the "signs" and some progress, but no consistent labour until way way later!

only 2 more days until my dr. comes back...we'll see if i can wait til then!

At 12:41 AM, Blogger Christa said...

Oh Sweetie, glad you're feeling better. Can't wait to hear baby news!! Hugs from me. xoxo


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