Wednesday, August 20, 2008

a fun filled week... followed by a fun filled week... followed by a fun filled week....

So Summer has been lovely, and its' "end" is going by so quickly thanks to a plethora of visitors, events and fun. Last saturday i took the kids out to a beautiful area of ontario, where some relatives hosted a family reunion. Julia had a fabulous time with the other kids, especially since there was a pond to watch older cousins fishing, a bridge across a stream (who doesn't like that???? i remember LOVING bridges and streams and algae and clay creek beds...okay, i still do) and trees to play hide and seek in, and a pet Owl, and a dog to pet, and well, you get the picture.
The next day Dave and I prepared for a much anticipated visit from some kindred friends we made in B-town in days gone by. ma and pa very generously let us move into their home (our cottage for the week) and there we set up camp for the 5 kids and 4 adults. it was lovely. we had a beach day, and pretty much had the entire coastline to ourselves!!! Sam loved playing in his 'boat' even when it wasn't in the water. The funny thing was that he discovered he could do his signature 'scoot' while IN HIS BOAT, so he went 'driving' all over the sand in his little floaty!!!(i wish i got a movie of it)
These three really entertained themselves for the entire 3 days.... i didn't see much of them at any time.... busy busy busy. Besides digging big holes in the beach and swimming, they also made a 'fort' in oma and opa's backyard, complete with fire pit and table and sleeping quarters. they climbed trees (sappy ones unfortunately), found frogs (julia actually caught it, and was able to bring it to us ... tame frog!) and had sleepovers. The last night, dave climbed into bed with Jules to cuddle and say goodnight, but she had other plans. She very speedily spouted off a bedtime prayer, and announced that daddy could now leave the room. poor daddy. :( but at least the kids were having THAT much fun together!! hahaha.
and of course.... we had to visit the waterpark, which we ALSO had almost completely to ourselves!! :)

Like every other blessed visit this summer, we had a wonderful time!!!! J and P are very special friends to us, and i love their kids too!!! if you don't know them... you should. haha.

well.. that's all for now. maybe in a week i'll let you know how our next 'out of town' visit goes!!



At 11:59 PM, Blogger Sarafina said...

Looks like you guys are having a fabulous summer!! Yay for good friends and visits. I am soaking up all of the pictures...keep em coming!!!

At 7:15 PM, Blogger poof said...

You seem to be having way too much fun over there. Cut it out. :)

Great pictures Sue.


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