the first wave of camping photos....
For some reason Blogger isn't allowing me to upload photos right now, so five photos will have to do for the time being. :)
I have MANY more. over 60 to choose from to be more exact.
We just returned from a six night camping spree... and it was fabulous . The week was filled with: Play, campfood, fires and marshmellows, good good friends, tiredness, crazy storms, lost children, puddles (of various kinds) in the tent, beach trips every afternoon, hikes, canoe trips, fishing, lots and lots of fishing, a snapping turtle fight, new friends, fossils, sad news, and lots more.
now we are back. and i am heading out to BC for a funeral for my Oma who is now singing forever with Jesus in Heaven. Where she will never get too tired to sing her favorite hymn to God!
Talk again soon to y'all.
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