i had to go away .
A sad goodbye to Oma, a joyful reunion of family and friends.
a little bitter-sweetness.
An amazing testimony, a life transformed.
Late nights, good talks.
so so so much laughter.
Long travel days. ug.
I love my family.
I adore hanging out with my Sister, My mom, My dad, and my dear sweet cousins that make me laugh so so so hard. It was so good to see my aunts and uncles, and my dear Opa. i have so many good memories with all these folks. And i have hope of so so many more.
Memories with my Oma, however, i cannot make any more. No more memories with her, but many more OF her. I can tell my kids stories of when i was little and wanted to live at my Oma's farm... i can tell them about her strong love for Jesus, her faith in the sacrifice of His life for the redemption of ours, i can pass on her love for singing hymns (sorry to anyone who has to hear this one!) and praising GOd and saying scripture all the time. There are a lot of things i can try to pass on.... her great hostess-skills, her recipes, her laughter, her joy for gardening (i don't know if i can do this one!! ha - i think my thumb is purple or blue or plaid, but definitely not green - try as i might!!). And her tea cups: i will pass them on one day, as she passed them on to me. And every time i drink tea, i can smile and remember my dear sweet Oma.
Sue, what a beautiful post in honour of a beautiful woman. You are blessed to have such a heritage of faith passed on to you and your children are blessed to have you passing it on to them. I was sorry to miss seeing you at church. I was helping my Grandma move in to her new home in Abbotsford, at Hallmark. I am thankful to have her closer to us and to spend time making as many memories as I can with her. Thank you for your reminder to cherish these days and memories.
i was wondering where you and your dear family were . :)
i missed you too!
So sorry we didn't get to catch up a little more! I'm glad you had such a wonderful time with your family and a celebration of a life well-lived. I was so happy to hear how amazing a change can happen in people's lives when God takes hold and they allow his Holy Spirit to do the work! God bless your family (both immediate and extended) as the love, joy, peace, and faith of your Oma lives on in your lives!
What a beautiful post! So sorry to read of the passing of your Oma. I pray your whole family will be surround by the peace of knowing that someday you will see her again!
thank you girls.
So sorry to read about losing your Oma. Thank the Lord for the hope we can only find in him! Someday you will be reunited, and until then I pray that every cup of tea you drink gives you beautiful memories and courage as you continue her legacy in your family.
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