Mother's Day.
I am truly blessed to have two moms.
Not a lot of people can be happy to say they live close to their In-Laws, but I can honestly say it is an honor. I enjoy my husbands family, my family, really. It would be strange and alien to only consider them "his" when they are so very "mine" after all these years. (like 7...hahaha)
Mama Naus today is your day. Mother's day. Instead of writing a little essay on what kind of mother you have been; since that would be dave's area of expertise, i will pen a short poem for your reading delight.
Naturally Mother.
God made fathers, brothers, others,
But with you, He formed a Mother.
Partly strong, somewhat weak,
So for Him you'd have to seek.
Naturally wise, incredibly clever,
For no ruse to trick you ever.
(with 5 children all your own,
God knew this gift you'd have to hone)
Domestic: deep, down to the core.
Batters, casseroles, creams and more.
Joyful to pass on your culinary arts,
for my generation to gain some cooking smarts.
We praise God for Oma's who are Mothers.
Because you take good care of us, and ALL the others!!
~love ya mama. from the pen of silly su.
Awl this post is really sweet! riches and FAM does compare to something so pure as that!
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