Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lots of Fun in the Rain and the Sun. :)

Ah, May long weekend, and the inaugural camping trip of the season. praise the Lord for enough money in the camping budget to buy a new tent this year... because we sure needed it in the rain and downpours we received each day of our trip! :) The 25 year old two room tent we used to sleep in was very puddle-prone, and our new one is a fortress of Dryness ! :) yippeeee!!

Dave began the long weekend camping trip with our usual Adventure Club meetings. This trip was just a shorty, so he did an intro to knife handling and safety. Each child received a knife ( except for the two littlest of course ) and they were only allowed to use it if they first asked an adult (who kept the knives when not in use) and were near some sort of adult supervision. (I hope that writing these rules will help to put some nervous readers at ease. :) ha)

Julia and Matthew loved whittling the most. I am certain they spent a total of at least four hours doing so over the weekend. I have to say, it is a lovely "quiet time" activity. And we only had to use two band-aids in the course of three and a half days with 6 kids using knives. (the blades were small Mom ) :)

Downpour-enforced quiet time in our tent! :)

I have to say, it was SO worth packing along the big rain boots!! On any other trip I would have left them at home, thinking that they took up too much precious space in the van. Not so for this rainy weekend away!

More whittling time.


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