From Last Week: Ah, a day out with Nana and Grandpa, what a dream! :) we had so much fun with them at the Children's museum. Good memories...I wish we could make them more often, but i am thankful for the memories we are allowed to make when the time comes!! We ate at a chinese food buffet, and wow! the kids were in food-freedom-heaven. ha. A whole plate of french fries for sam, an assortment for J and M, it was fun seeing them experience a new concept of Dinner. :) My Dad doing what comes naturally : teaching! In the pioneer school room at the C.Museum. New Arctic display, Julia practicing her rowing!
Here you have stumbled upon a story of five; Dave, Susan, Julia, Samuel and Mercy. Stroll through our forest of dreams, days and we learn what it is to live with abandon for our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.
Having visitors is the best! I just had my sister, brother-in-law and their five kids over and soaked up each moment. Rich blessings indeed. Glad you could make some great memories together.
Hooray for special memories! Looks like a grand time was had by all!
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