Monday, August 08, 2005

Up the creek without a paddle!

Hey there!! Just returned from a day of canoeing, wading, and eating icecream! delightful! Our great friends, Ruth and Janelle (no Stan today), picked up the Juli-bean and i this morning for an excursion to ROCKWOOD. :)

After swooshing the J-ster through the water, walking her up and down the beach, and keeping the sand from her mouth-- Janelle and i took a canoe for a spin. Dun dun duuuunnnn. Here the adventures turns wild.... We paddled innocently along until a vicious stump jutted up into the middle of the canoe (not through it, just under it). We spun there....wondering just how to handle our new dillema.....should we bail ? (not a chance) Push off really hard, and try NOT to bail? (a wee bit better of an option) or...wait wait...Janelle got it-- THE BUM SHUFFLE...yes. for all you pro-canoer's out there...we discovered the secret to getting out of such a perilous situation. Once we were freed, we succeeded in paddling through all the narrowest passageways between rocks and trees and shore. Absolutely delightful! Thanks Janelle for the wonderful drift through rockwood!
To end off the day, Grandma Ruthie
bought us ice cream and now we are sunwearied. the end.


At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow there are a lot of different james for that little girl arent there. :)

love and kisses .


At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow there are a lot of different names for that little girl arent there. :)

love and kisses .


At 7:13 PM, Blogger Robyn said...

Sounds like you guys had lots of fun out there. Did you take Julia out in the canoe?? I am sure that she would have enjoyed that!!

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Sue said...

nope, she stayed on solid ground. didn't want to take the risk just yet.


At 11:27 AM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

Hello Happy adventurereerereres! I am glad you enjoy every season to the fullest. I was in a store the other day and smelt my very favortie autumn candles: Pumpkin @ Peir 1 Imports. Now i am all ready for Fall to arrive. Which way do you head for Christmas this year? BC? It's too bad we won't be there to continue our Christmas fun. I guess i am not commenting so much as writting you a little note! We have a rainy day here today so i am dirnking tea and doing a little packing before work starts. Keep taking care and being taken care of by God. Love you three

Janie, dave, and mystery child

At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

where are the new posts? have you been getting lazy? or buzy?


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