Thursday, May 25, 2006

shepherding a child's heart

WORLD's view of parenting: providing care

GOD'S view of parenting: shepherding our children's hearts in God's behalf.

this is a really good book so far. (by tedd tripp)

The first couple chapters discuss: the heart determines behaviour (prov. 4:23, luke 6:45, etc)
Therefore: discipline is much much much more than simply changing a behaviour, it is changing the heart.

A child's development involves 1) shaping influences (family life, family values, family history, family response to failure, family roles, etc) and 2) GODWARD ORIENTATION (the biggie,the imp't part)

"Godward orientation" fancy for, "how the child reacts/responds to life experiences/shaping influences" whether they respond in accordance with God's law or against, whether they 'worship' their own needs or God. biblical examples of how the heart is involved in responses: prov. 9:7-10 (the contrast between the mocker and the wise man) psalm 58:3 (we go astray from birth, it isn't just a 'phase of immaturity') psalm 51:5 (same old thing)

THis book is teaching me to be open with Julia about God and God things. Also, it is showing me that i need to be God's agent here on earth, shepherding her heart to understand her sin, and her desperate need of a savior--just as i need Him. And that my disciplining of her is a requirement of God's. If i were to avoid it, i would be sinning as well, and under God's wrath just the same.

that is what i learned today in my reading.

thought i'd share a post with ONLY words, and noooo pictures. whew. that was a tough one for me.....

i think i can do it.
okay, just hit the publish button...


At 9:43 PM, Blogger Robyn said...

Sue, those are great words of encouragment. Thanks so much for this post.

At 12:02 PM, Blogger Doug said...

We're impressed by these words of wisdom and pray for our grandchildren and the godly upbringing that you are giving them. (More to come?) (This is for Sarah and Nu too) We're proud of you all! - Dad and Mum


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