Thursday, July 13, 2006

is this OKAY?

Is it okay for a teacher to move from instructing in practical means of thinking and learning skills to teaching their own opinions????

So, in my readings today i have discovered that there are cases of parents being arrested for trying to be involved in their childrens' education. In Mass., USA there was a dad that wanted his Kindergarden child to NOT be taught about gay and lesbian lifestyles, and he choose NOT to leave a meeting with the school officials after they refused to let him take his child out of certain classes. THus he was imprisioned and tried in the court of law. The teacher involved seems to think, and also said, that since gay marriage was legal in that state, the parents had NO RIGHTS or reason to be informed of what was being taught!!!!!! (what?????)

He made a poor choice, perhaps, in his refusal to leave until something was done...but then, maybe it wasn't so bad. What is to be done when those in leadership over our children's education decide that the PARENTS don't know what is best for their own kids? and more than that, those same people decide that parents should have little to no say in curriculum content ??? I believe that we are in a sorry state when we trust government and school boards to teach our children more than we trust the parents. (especially in issues of lifestyle and social teaching, this isn't an essential part of instruction, it isn't required to go to college, learn to read, write or speak!)

I recently discussed with a mother why she decided to home school her children, since she is a teacher herself and in an area with decent schools i wondered what her reason was. Her response was this: When the teachers and principals stopped listening to her concerns and ideas the red flags went up. When the parent involvement was diminished to very limited influence over children's outcomes, this was when she knew it was time to take them home for a time, just a time.

Before this comes across as one of the "YOU MUST HOMESCHOOL" essays, i must clear the air: I don't believe homeschooling is for everyone. It isn't a biblical mandate, it isn't a sin to go to school. I come from a family of teachers, i went to public school. I am a little radical sometimes. oh well. The reason i talk about this topic soo much is that God has laid it on my heart so heavily! God gives each of us stronger convictions about different things, for me it is to provide a Christ-based worldview in the tender years of life. i don't know the what, where, or how, but i know the why. And we are just waiting to see where God leads, and what He desires for our future....because really, i have no clue. He is full of surprizes!

I just get so rippen' mad when i hear about school boards planning to teach our children "lifestyle lessons", that isn't their job. (teacher: one that imparts practical knowledge, such as learning and thinking skills.) i don't think so at least. As if they know what is morally best for my little J, or your little bobby to learn, that is what God made YOU for. Parents: they are given the Biblical responsibility for the teaching, training and direction of their own children. (Deut. 6:7, Prov. 22:6) (that can just mean knowing what they are learning in school, being involved there, and countering any untrue information they are fed there and giving them God's wisdom and truth at home.)

okay. that was my vent for the day. whew.


At 5:15 PM, Blogger poof said...

Preach it girl! Oh ya...

Our lambs are too precious to hand over to wolves. I'm not saying all the teachers are bad, there are some excellent teachers and schools out there, but it just takes one adult with an agenda to warp a child.

By the way, I think you'd be an awesome homeschooling mom.

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Sue said...

awwwww. thanks dear! i really appreciate that. i was a wee bit scared to check the comments, and then you were there!

i totally agree, there are really great teachers out there. my dad is the first that comes to mind!

At 7:29 PM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

Good venting! What is the deal in Canada though? It seems, at least in this example, that the problem is more adundant in the states. I look at parenting in a couple of ways: a right, and at other times a privaledge. When a parent is healthy, involved, focused, and in a stable environment i think that making choices "i don't want my child to be involved in this class because we are choosing to teacher her at home about sexuality/creation/baseball (joke)" is a right. When a parent is leaving their small child alone at night and prostituting themselves in the back alley parenting is a privaledge, one that hopefully they will lose until they can get help for themselves and their family. I imagine that schools get alot of parents in who say things like "i have decided that my kid doesn't have to go to school if they don't want to, even though they are 8. I don't care, school never got me anywhere". I think this is an acceptable example of a school stepping in and saying no to a parent, because at that point the parent has lost their rights (if you are in canada and it is the law for kids to be in school. I am so glad that there is a declaration of children's rights that guards against parent's who aren't making healthy choices). What am i getting at, well, I think that homeschool is a very healthy choice, and i think that the school's must have a heck of a time with all sorts of different parents coming in and making "choices" for their children, and i bet some of the time the heat goes onto wellmeaning, rightful parents. Hmmm, anyway, just some thoughts.

At 7:49 PM, Blogger Sue said...

yes. i am so glad we live in a country that seeks to free children from parents that make poor decisions, thus giving them a fuller life.

However, i can't help but see that rules, for the most part, hurt the ones that don't need them. right?

When i see government making choices that take control away from parents, and rights away from parents, i see a dangerous turn in history.

it just doesn't make sense to me that one party can come into the picture, cause an outrage because they aren't 'accepted' and the world changes for them. AND THEN, another party comes on the scene, says they don't need that part of life introduced to their young ones until they feel it is time, and the world revolts against them.

yes, our lot in life as Christians. fools for Christ. still doesn't make sense.

At 2:00 AM, Blogger poof said...

The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


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