Thursday, December 28, 2006

At the End of Week 29...8-11 weeks left

photo: Julia hugging the baby, and talking to him/her and giving 'raspberries' and kisses.Dear Readers,

I hope all is well in the part of the world you are reading this from. Here in warm, mild, and grey S-town we are enjoying our first day of "normal" and "quiet" after a busy weekend of Christmas cheer. aaaaaah. Julia and I both needed a day of regular happenings after a whirlwind of fun and change. I know most of you understand how this works, but it just baffles my mind how stability in life, and the ability to know what is coming next go very well with children. Julia especially, she thrives on our weekly routine. When times of change come, we rework the routine and voila! our happy child returns. Not that circumstances make us joyful, but it is in well thought out daily life that our household is managed and peace is kept. Without a plan i find that chaos rules; when chaos rules, attitudes turn sour; when attitudes turn sour, love and care are lost, and we must start all over again at the foundation of our relationships to return to respect, love and obedience. All part of the command to be "fruitful and multiply" i suppose, which means much more than just "multiply and multiply" as i always thought.....instead it is much deeper than that. God desires for us to not only bring children into the world, but to train then in righteousness (that's the fruitful part). SO we try hard to make a plan, keep the peace, build love and respect in the home and pray that those disciplines help to grow children that love and care for the world and all the people in it.

well. my little babble-fest is over, and now i will go read and sleep and sweep and cook. Bonita is visiting us tonight!! yipppe, we shall have a dinner party in her honor!


At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice babblings are so right.

At 9:09 PM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

I hear ya too! Our days are still topsy turvey, as well planned this week to be a "whatever dave wants that would be fun + the usual dishes, sweeping and cooking".. that was it, that was all. But sickness rules the nest this week. Oh well, i guess the next time dave has holidays he can have fun. Pretty sad, yes.

LOOOVEEEEEE the baby belly. It is so nice that Julia is awaiting the new little one as much as you two are.


At 12:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwwww! The belly is so cute! You are glowing with new life (0:
You ARE so right about routine. And good thoughts on the being fruitful and multiplying too.
Love from us!


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