Friday, December 22, 2006

more of the invasion...

Tyler taught Julia all about frieghters and other vessles as they played...haha, who says play doh is just for kids???
Awwwwwwwwww shucks, ain't they sweet? This is HOlly comforting Tyler after squirting him in the eye with the juice of an orange peel....okay, so it isn't really, but She did do that...and she is still holly and she still pulls all the pranks adn jokes and teasers that a good ol' HOlly should.
AND DAVE FINISHED HIS WORK OF ART!!!!!!!!!!!! JULIA HAS HER OWN MAILLE TO WEAR TO BATTLE!! these pics are not the best, we will work on better ones. THere is a lovely trim ofblack along the bottom of the shirt, in a triangle pattern. as well as a cross on the front of the shirt. very nice. and heavy!
the very serious knight in shining new armor! by the way!! thank you to aunti Carla for the fabulous book on castles and knights, it is AMAZING! Julia loves it, and so do i . the pop up's are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you thank you. also thanks for the antisanta socks, we look forward to those every year! :)

love from all of us here at the sleepy-funny-farm.
off to rest now. byebye.


At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How great! I am so happy that Dave got the vest finished! Dave, it looks wonderful!!! I am sure you enjoyed making this for her!

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. Hugs from our house to yours!

At 1:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I know those people...

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! I hadn't taken the time to read all your latest posts(kind of like books, you look at the pictures first?). You are welcome for the stuff.

All last week I was thinking how foolish I was for not looking at the sizes on the socks, ever since I overheard some ladies talking in the store where I had earlier purchased the socks...they were talking about those cozy Wyoming socks and what a shame it was that they didn't come in men's sizes...and so, as the nosy eaves dropper I am, I mentioned to them that I had indeed just bought some the week prior in the very same men's section, and then, my curiosity at an all time high, I went to check, and sure enough, there weren't any, and then I got to thinking that perhaps I had picked up a stray pair of ladies socks in the men's section and sent them to Dave, not even looking at the size, just assuming they were for men and all...and as I ponder this in my mind I am ashamed to wonder if I sent Dave girl socks that are too small? Tell me it isn't true, Sue, tell me it isn't true!!!

At 8:16 PM, Blogger Sue said...

hahaha, funny thing is...dave mentioned that the size may not fit him and that i may have two new socks to wear...but i didn't see that they were girls' socks...i will have to check again! haha.


At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear...silly silly ant. I tell you, I am losing it.

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever "it" is...


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