my helpers
i feel soooooooooooo blessed.
1) dave has been such a GREAT support....i don't know of too many husbands that, when left to themselves for an hour, will organize the fridge and do the laundry....this man is a machine. i mean, i don't even need to open my mouth, these things just happen. he sat down and wrote out a list (susan style-haha) to feel productive for his 4 days off of work. (one of those items was a massage of my shoulders-- while i laid on my tummy for the first time in 6 months!!) Anyway, i love my husband. God made him very very special.
2) the next blessing: my daughter. first born and such a delight. julia has taken to this new position of "big sister" with a passion. her desire is to help, love and of and open all the fun "bigsister" gifts. haha.
some moments-before this mommy-brain-of-mush kicks in and forgets:
-breakfast table, "dave, could i have the honey please."..."i'll get it!!!!!!!!" julia says excitedly JUMPING off her chair and returning from the kitchen with the honey and a knife from the drawer.
-bed time, daddy and sam crawl in to pray with her in bed. julia asks in her sweet excited hopeful voice, "can baby Samuel please sleep with me?"
-at every cry,she brings a toy. (or plugs her ears, or asks what is wrong-very concerned)
-Opa was holding Sam, and she says in her voice of concern, "you can't bring him home....."
3) my help comes from the LORD.
the Holy Spirit is given to us as a Comfort and a Helper.
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." - romans 15:13
i have a major weakness i like to call the "unholy hours of the night", when in reality, it is simply my selfishness controling my thoughts and actions. knowing myself all too well in this area, i began to pray for joy in my lack of sleep--about a month ago. so far, God is reminding me of His goodness and the surpassing joy of motherhood in the wee hours of not-day-time. He is also giving me rest, and energy to be awake more than i'd like to be. :)
dave and i have been studying phillipians, and how paul had joy regardless of the people, things, circumstances or worries that were soooo pressing and burdensome. and i stand in awe because the times that i lose joy usually have to do with my sources of joy (kids, etc), whereas paul endured REAL hardship. talk about convicting! haha.
God is faithful. He even works through others to encourage us in our journey to trusting Him and knowing Him better. For example: my friend Heather was doing her devotions on monday night and felt the need to pray for me - not knowing i was in labor. Those are just some of the prayers that helped Samuel's delivery and helped grow the faith of those involved.
very cool.
GOd is good.
what a beautiful family you have with already such powerful memories. I remember what it's like to be lacking sleep and also what it is like to have such a faithful husband to be there to help. I will be praying for you.
Great post Sue. God is faithful, and will always be there, we just have to seek him. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Dave, great work helping out! It is nice to know that you have been able to have a few days to be around for Sue, and the rest of your family.
Julia, keep up the great work of a big sister. Your role is very important to Samuel, you will be teaching him all you know. Keep praying with him, and teach him how much God loves him!
We have you in our prayers. Hugs from our house to yours!
Your perspective is so refreshing Sue, I'm so glad you're finding God faithful in those hard hours of the night...and finding joy throughout the day with your amazing family. Love the pictures, Sam is so so so cute, and look at all that hair! And isn't it awesome to see your firstborn go into 'big sister mode'? That relationship will be such a blessing to watch. Glad you're doing well and going to God with the challenges of life (0:
That's a beautiful post, Sue! You have a wonderful family and I am so glad to see that you are relying on God to be your strength through the wonderful/difficult days of adjusting to having a newborn. You are, as always, an encouragement and inspiration to me!
What a beautiful and delightful post, Sue!
And what a lot of hair Samuel has!
he looks so cute, cozy and snuggly, and i bet under all that newborn cuteness he as a great, loud cry! A friend of mine used to sit and imagine all the other moms sitting up at night nursing their babies at 3am and use to wish that somehow everyone could be together sitting, half asleep, but at least together. A mother's coalition for healthy, happy babies, and sanity! I will be thinking of you up during the night when i am up in the night (with a sick teether)
Caring about you from miles away
is he a thumb sucker too? tee hee.. i can't help but come and look at the cute little baby every few hours!
Not only is Samuel a blessing, but so also is your attitude of gratitude and your faith in the Lord and His Word. Dave is another incredible blessing. Julia is showing such sweet love for little brother too. The Lord gives to His own, even in their sleep (no matter how little they get!) ALOHA
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