Friday, October 26, 2007

Riding the Horse

Julia finds this the most delightful activity, because she can hold sam all by herself when he is on the horse! yep, big sis likes to help and play and take care of business! there are difficulties with this at times, like when she forgets to pay enough attention, but this is not a problem since i am right next to her to help! :)
aren't they sweet???

Normal Lunchtime conversation at the Naus House:
Julia: "Our teeth are sharp like little blades"
Mommy: "Our teeth are part of our skeleton, so they are hard as bone."
Julia: "Our teeth are sharp like the blades on a miter saw."

i couldn't have told you what a miter saw was; apparently my three year old can though.


At 7:10 PM, Blogger poof said...

She's miterly sharp alright!

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Robyn said...

no worries Sue, I have not idea what a miter saw is! LOL

How cute to see Julia with Sam! She is such a great big sister!!

So when are you guys heading this way for a visit??

At 12:00 AM, Blogger Sarafina said...

she is so clever!!!
love it. she's going to be a brilliant scientist or a brilliant something someday!!

At 4:36 PM, Blogger that's us... said...

i couldn't tell you what a mider saw was either- that's too cute! brook has the same horse- we named him charlie (does yours have 2 different voices too??) sam is growing up so much and julia continues to amaze me with her whit and cuteness.

it's been a while since i've been across your blog- your new house looks fabulous! i just love moving and finding places for everything- kind of nerdy i guess:)


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