Julia came home from dance and did some practicing for us. Sam was supposed to be the audience with me, however, he is an aspiring Ballet star himself, so here they are doing the spring recital piece "Rock and Roll is Here to Stay". :)
how fun!
Mercy LOVES THIS TOY from nana and grandpa!! She loves grabbing the toys and shaking them until they come off. She especially likes the mirror, what baby wouldn't? :) it makes her laugh out loud! haha.
cuddles with my boy!! :)
"Lay down with Sersy?" says he.
I bet they are both brilliant dancers! We saw a girl in church with her 'dance hair' on today. I think she does highland dancing. Anyway, her long hair was wrapped up in a braided bun, but it just looked too perfect to be real. After looking for a few minutes, feeling quite inadequate because I don't think I could ever make anyone's hair that perfect, I realized it was a 'braided bun' piece put over her real hair. It looked awesome though. Totaly matched, totaly real.
So, have you guys read the "dancing shoes" books, as recommended by Meg Ryan on you've got mail?
Have a great week, Sue. Wish we could do a mid winter play date, or cooking blitz, or evening tea. Think of you often!
thx janie, i'd love tea! be over in a minute! haha.
i haven't read that story... is it a gooder??
i am not so good at making J's hair "perfect" for dance. her hair is really fine and slips out of my creations really easily... i could use product i'm sure, but i'm just not that dedicated!! hahaha.
talk to you sooooooooon.
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