Saturday, May 30, 2009


SO today has been busy.
Between getting three kids out of the door for dance, buying new tap shoes for Julia, making Sweet Potato Souffle for Sunday's 95th Bday Party for Opa, making lunch, feeding the kids, sewing a 'woodsy' costume for Julia to wear for fun, preparing a bright shirt for sewing another day, sitting on the porch swing reading my bible and Doc. Suess to Julia, trimming our chia pet for our first harvest of sprouts for sandwiches, putting kids down for naps, changing poopy diapers, calming attitudes when siblings don't see eye to eye, breathing deeply to prevent outbursts (of my own) when the two year old is SO SO WHINEY, trying to laugh instead of scream when the two year old (yes him again!! haha) freaks out because a certain door on a toy won't close all the way (he is very particular about doors closing....aayiyi!!), .....well between all these things...all these things occurred. so there you have it.

I love these shots of J with her new Bow and Arrow that she loves. i made the quiver out of real deer hide that Opa shot. And that tunic is the 'woodsy' outfit i made today. i adapted a fleece-hoodie pattern. it worked well, even though it is meant for stretchy fabric. i just took that into account when sewing certain parts and cutting the fabric out.

speaking of fabric.. the messy picture of boxes and bags of fabric is my sewing corner. man.... my house will never be clean !!! :)

off to celebrate a bday in w-town. must pack the bags and get the greek salad out of the fridge.

love to all.
if you want some beautiful encouragement check out this blog:

i go there often to be refreshed.

also check this for GREAT kids clothes that are all kid... carefree and whimsical!



At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay for my wife, what a productive woman

At 8:39 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Was that 95th birthday Dave's Granddad's birthday? Is he doing well? I really enjoyed talking to him last year...


At 2:18 PM, Blogger Ems said...

You wear me out Su just telling me what you've done!!

At 2:32 PM, Blogger Sue said...

yes dear Mel,

dear dear mel... ooooooh how it is nice to hear from you!! :)
yes, it was Dave's opa that you met and spoke to. He turned 95 this year! amazing eh?

how are you???

At 2:33 PM, Blogger Sue said...

dear Ems,

haha. i have to write down what i do some days so that when i have totally unproductive days where i wonder how i can ever get through my list- i can ensure that i have hope that not every day is that way!

and i tired myself out as well!!


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