Thursday, April 16, 2009

Creativity in our Family comes in many exciting forms..

For the record, i don't consider this cupboard in the above photo to be 'creative' or 'artistic', however, i thought it was important, for the shallow profile the computer allows us to have, to show the messier side of life. So, in keeping things honest and open, our life is messy. As much as i value a tidy home, there are pockets of it that collect clutter. The items that have not yet been assigned a 'home'....they gather in these undesirable places (such as the cupboard above!!!) and haunt me. Ik. i just don't like these places, they scare me. Full of mystery mess. Ik.
On to the Creative Side of Life: Dave is making a BEAUTIFUL garden box for Julia's upcoming birthday!! Julia is interested in growing things, so we are encouraging this new interest. She has always known the plants growing in our own gardens, and she will point them out as we see them in other gardens as well.... she has a mind for green things and dirt. I like that.
Dave worked hard on this yesterday, there is a little left for him to do and then Julia will get to paint it. :) I can't wait!! :) What an amazing Hubby, who knew he was a wood worker along with all the other skills he has??? :)
I have been playing this a lot more lately. My favorite song has been Moonlight Sonata. lovely.
Julia made a centerpiece for the table yesterday. Pictured in the photograph above are the random things she found outside: a wood scrap, rounded brick piece and a silk leaf.... she was excited about creating it, so it is still on the table. I like to have an atmosphere in our home of safety for creativity. Meaning.... it's okay if it is 'weird' or 'unconventional' we let you make things and explore beauty as you see it!! :) There is so much joy in seeing a child make things with confidence because they are doing their best and enjoying it!! Now i don't do this for the sake of building 'self confidence' because that is just code words for Pride, and no one likes a proud, know-it-all, think-i'm-the-best kind of person - and that kind of characteristic is not pleasing to God either. That is not what i want to teach in this atmosphere. I DO want my children to feel free to explore creativity as God designed us for. I want them to feel confident that they can TRY new things, and fail in those new things (or succeed) safely at home.
And last but not least!! hahahahaha. Dave found samuel trying to flush the garbage can down the toliet while mommy wasn't home.... hahahahhahahahahahaha.

Again, i don't consider this artistic, but it is creative.... just imagine what sort of creative thoughts were forming in my 2 year olds brain as he went through this process.... "hmmm...if this doesn't work, maybe my cars will...or mommy's jacket... or my sandwich... wow what an amazing machine this is!! and to think, mom and dad only use it for __(you know, i don't have to write it)___!!!"

well, that's all for today. Julia's bday is fast approaching. I need to go set up a treasure hunt. I need to bake some horse cookies and Barn cookies to decorate the cake with.... so much to do... and it is all so much FUN!! :)


At 9:31 AM, Blogger Doug said...

Few things bring more enjoyment than exercising our creativity. Your writing style is also quite creative! A very inspiring blog Sue!

At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend sent me a link to your blog. It seems we are kindred spirits! I too, am a lover a Jesus and Art and Aslan! I am teaching a book study at my church called "The Creative Call" by Janice Elsheimer. have you read it? This blog post of yours applies perfectly to the chapter we just read. Hope you don't mind me quoting you at our next meeting!
I also loved your photos at Fort Langley; my kids and I are reinactors there. Perhaps we saw each other?

At 5:19 AM, Blogger Sue said...

hi Anonymous! :) i don't know if i saw any kids reinactors at the Fort.... hmmm... but since we don't live near it we are not there often! :( sadly. it was beautiful and fun there!!

i have not read that book, but i'm sure i would like it. perhaps i'll preview it for one of my next biblestudies..

thanks for dropping in!

At 1:06 AM, Blogger Christa said...

Susan you are such a wonderful Mommy and wife! I love the way you encourage and celebrate the diversity in your family! ;)


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