Tuesday, May 05, 2009

is it really May already????? WOW!

As a birthday gift, the crowned king Mark and Queen Karla invited Princess Julia over for a royal feast and treasure hunt .(since they had stumbled upon an aged map that needed special decoding, and Julia specializes in decoding in her junior year - of kindergarten- *ahem*) haaha.

The three royal figures were quite the sight as the wandered our homely streets!!!

hmmm...the food picture is a memory of a productive day and a weekend that was cook-free because of it. i like looking at those photos, and saying, "ah yes, some days ARE productive." the photos help keep the (few and far between) memories alive.

of course i say this in jest, since i have had the blessing of being able to complete most of my 'to-do' lists every day now that our sicknesses have slowed to colds, and i am no longer held up at hospital and doctors' waiting rooms! Praise the Lord!!

The lovely outdoors have been our workplace as of late. I'll be the first to admit it has been more dream than nitty-gritty work at this point, but as with most things, it is a process. dave made this whimsical fence today, it is the beta version since we only had a stick bundle from the garbage heap down the street to work with. I LOVE IT and think Dave did a beautiful job!! soooo excited to make the yard a green-lovely-growing place of intrigue and delight!! :) and i aim to 'do it on a dime' so to speak. I am talking, pick-it-out-of-the-neighbors-trash (check that one off already! haha), find for free, make it myself, recycle natural products kind of cheap!! Since we have to purchase compost (b/c i don't have room for a composter in our yard), peat moss and other good-growing-earth products, plants and such, i want the decor to be cheaply free. :)

well. happy gardening all. :)
i'm going to enjoy the sun now! :)


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