Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Counting to 1000.

 I have been counting my blessings, with thousands of other grateful hearts, after reading Ann Voskamp's book, "1000 Gifts".   I am nearing the goal.  My book has many more pages, however, and I plan on going on and on.  I never want to stop thanking God. For everything.  The lovely, joy-scented things and the hard, hurtful ones too.  I am encouraged daily by God's great and mighty ways.  He is good.

Anyway, here are some things I LOVE about Summer, and things I am thankful for! God has given me wonderful, beautiful people to share this life with!!!  Thank you God for friends and time to spend with them!

Thank you God for the gorgeous lake we live near, and the dazzling sunsets you paint for us each evening!
 Thank you for delightfully crazy children!
 Thank you for my best-friend-love-of-my-life-Dave!
 Thank you God for birthday surprises: flowers and more flowers!
 Thank you God for book time, libraries, minds that are hungry for learning, eyes that see and read!
 Thank you God for a husband that helps me (yet again) with the photo wall, since I am helpless with tools and the like. (and he never makes me feel bad for that!)  (the empty mirror will have a cork board for "quick-update" photos )  (Sarah, do you see your art there? the top left side? )
 Thank you God for deer, and hunters, and a BBQ. Heehee.
 Thank you God for Washers and Dryers and lazy summer days when I don't have to fold the clothes right away because we aren't GOING anywhere (finally)!!


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