Saturday, September 10, 2005

Girl Time (what happens when the man of the house is away)

SO, first of all, we had a lot of hair-do's today. I finally managed to slide Julibeans hair into pigtails today!!! how exciting!! i can't wait for those little girlish hair-do's on her! For those of you fabulous viewers (the hip and happening ones) you will remember the good ol' days of Mcgee and Me movies. (Below )Here you will see a picture of the Mcgee-look for Julia.

(sorry, the lighting isn't very good....hope you can make out the tall swoop of her hair on top)

Getting outside is a highlight of the day for us. We usually walk twice a day, today was no different. Here is Julia cruising down the alley between our house and the neighbors. Man, does she ever love those wheels. :)

I saved the best for last. Doesn't this picture give you a view of the personality that is budding in our little girl... she is so CUTE! arg, i love her! And yes, that is a spike of her hair. I was going for this alien-spike look and, well, she cute-ed me out!! ha

What a doll.

yep. we had a fab day. and tonight Dave is bringing us to the fair with him!! yippeeeee! late night out for all!

blessings. from sue.


At 3:50 PM, Blogger Sue said...

man, i suck at lining up the words with the pictures. lazy me.


At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man she's cute!!! I love the CURLY pigtails!!!!

At 7:09 PM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

hello Susan, and Dave and Little beany one:
You all seem joyful and content! Very happenin' hair do's. Julia sure looks tan! Does she just have naturally darker skin? She looks kinda australian with the blonde thing going on! We had a laid back sunday afternoon. We get home from church pretty late these days, so it was also a short afternoon but a nice one at home relaxing. Lots of people are offering to give us all sorts of things, so i think we will be very set to go with baby supplies! All we need now is a baby.. just can't wait.. i am getting anxious to meet this person and i still have lots of months to go! All in good time, when they are all formed!
I hope you each have a wonderful week. I imagine dave is back at school now; dave and i both hope that everything goes well: money and popcorn and school and living life and growing!
until later,
janie and dave and mystery baby

At 12:15 AM, Blogger Doug said...

These are the cutest pictures yet. What a little cutie. And that hair is looking good! You are sure having a great time as a little family - brings back memories of about 20 years ago. We're proud of you - a marvelous mummie, a great grandbaby and a supportive and successful son in law. God is good. Dad and Mum H.

At 11:06 AM, Blogger Sue said...

aww, thanks daddio :)

At 10:39 PM, Blogger poof said...

Wow. I'm speechless at the cuteness of it all.

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Robyn said...

Julia is too cute!!! Love the updates!


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