A visior, a wedding, and a rocking horse
Dear Friends,
what a week we have had!! Dave is still on holiday time, yipppppeeeeeee, and thus we have stayed up later, entertained more, visited more, ate more, and played harder all week long.
Wonderful to have summer fun times as a family.
Here is Julia playing with her wooden shoes from Holland (thank you Nana Hillson) She always asks for us to put them on her so she can walk around. And if not her, Teddy gets to wear them.
This weekend has been our landlord's daughters' wedding. How beautiful to watch an Indian wedding! THe colors are magnificent. On saturday a good friend babysat Julia so that i could attend the long ceremony of vows in the temple. Across the street from us is a lovely couple from Fiji, and they drove me there as well as dressed me in a beautiful sari (spell??) from India. Black with green leaves fringed in gold.
Sunday brought AMy Otis, whose BEAUTIFUL shining face we have missed!!! We had fellowship with her, then ran off to the reception for RItu and Yogesh's wedding. Julia wore a handmade Indian shirt and skirt that Vinny and Mona bought for her in India. Sushma lent me a second sari for the night, and Dave looked stunning in his suit from our wedding. So much excitment in dressing up for a big occassion.
I have to admit though, coming home with melting peeks of soft icecream, to Amy and tea and great fellowship was AWESOME!! the best part of the weekend! What an AMAZING girl she is. (Rodrigo, you are a lucky guy!! :) heehee)
Amy Brought this gift for us, from her parent's pottery studio. Her mother designed the tile, and her brother and father made it.
Amy needed to leave early in the morning, so we got up and made eggs and french toast (dave's specialty), and sent her with prayers to grad school in Vermont.
Dave and I are going to play phase 10 now, love you all.
from sue
Quite the multicultural weekend! What is Amy studying in Vermont? Does she have a B.A. in something? Looks like Julia is "growing up" fast!
Wow, susu, you look amazing in your sari! Did you enjoy spicy food? looks like a fun weekend.
spicy...toooo spicy.i couldn't handle a lot of it. too bad, it is so tasty.
wow, you sure were busy this weekend! Guess that things are going well for you guys.
Dear Julia... You are one hot baby! Keep dancing little one!
awwww..... melt, melt.... you guys were a huge blessing for a weary traveler!!! lots of love, amy o.
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