Sunday, June 11, 2006


today our friends invited us to their potluckparty at the park. WHat fun! We had a bbq, a bug collector, a great playground and lots of people to meet and get to know. They were mostly couples that we had seen at church and not had the chance to talk to yet, everyone had from 1-4 kids and it was a lively place.
Below is pictured the 'bug collector' and Julia together....does she not look like Ashleigh?????? wow. i thought she did all day....same hair, eyes, face....cute .
Last night we thought of a splendid family outing: STRAWBERRY PICKING!

So off we drove to a nearby farm for a pick-licious time! When we paid for the berries, Julia gave a little tip for all the berries she consumed in the field, since they don't account for those in their price, i'm sure! haha. At least, not the number of berries that a Julia consumes.

Once our picking was done, we had to get our tent trailler so we can fix it up for the summer.....and oh the adventures we had at Opa's shop...where the tent trailler had been sitting for months.

FIrst the daisies, then the pionies, how pretty!!! We explored and picked and danced around...then home to bed.

Here is the proud picker! :) although....she didn't successfully keep more than 4 berries in her own box the whole time!! As if anything so juicy and delicious could ever be passed up!! :)


At 4:41 PM, Blogger Sarafina said...

AWwwww.... too cute. Strawberry picking sounds like FUN!! Sue, you and Jules are now my new computer desktop picture. Love to you all (0:

At 6:06 PM, Blogger Robyn said...

Sue, you will have to let us know next time you want to go picking strawberries.. I miss doing things like that.. I will make the drive for good berries!

At 9:18 AM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

i love berry picking! i wish i had a deep freeze to keep my summer picks inm but i guess i will be eating them all or basking lots!
there is a cute story of when dave was 3. they went picking and, like julia he was picking and eating every berry, mom told him not to pick berries, but he kept doing it. then she told him to keep his hands behind his back, or something like that. the next time she turned around there was little dave, face first in the berroies, picking and eating with his mouth... all the while keeping his hands out of the mix! so cute!
you are a master of the daisy chain necklace! i can't wait for summer to fully hit us!
have a great day!

At 1:14 PM, Blogger Sue said...

the picking time was great. i love having fresh fruit in the house, i love being on the farms, i love sitting in the grass and watching julia cram berries into her mouth...

hahahahaha. that is an awesomely GREAT story about dave as a kid....he doesn't strike me as the 'stuff your face' type...but he IS THAT creative to eat face down...oh man. mary must have just had a laugh and a half.

Robyn, i'm not sure how much longer the picking will is the second week already, but perhaps if we miss strawberries, we can get in on the apple picking this autumn? or other fruits and veggies during the summer??? i could find some bean farmers?? :)

love you all, from sue


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