Monday, February 23, 2009


Sunday was the only family day we will have until next week, so we tried to savor the moments as much as possible. We spent time crafting, art-working, playing, reading, listening to Piper preach, eating, walking (sort of... it was a lot colder outside than the sun was making me believe), doing laundry, dishes and resting!!
I love having dave home, we have so much fun together. we never get tired of each other, it's awesome.
Due to our rebellious nature(s) we do not usually celebrate Valentines day... ON valentines day. So this past week dave came home with flowers, massage oil, new Christian worship Cd's (from our book store that is going out of business... everything is 50% off!!!), wine and a bath bomb... he got the kids to help him buy it all and give it to me... they had a lot of fun, Sam and Julia love giving gifts to people. sooooo THANK YOU FAMILY!! it was such a nice surprize!!
Remains of our artsy day.... chain maille, pastels, wooden beads and more...
MY SWEET MERCY!! :) i had to take pigtail pictures... so... here they are! look my 5 month old has PIGTAILS!! hahaha. crazy lots of hair.

Time to go have breakfast with the kids... if they are up yet.... we'll see.



At 9:55 AM, Blogger Doug said...

What a little darling Mercy is with all that gorgeous brunette? hair. Can't wait to see you all in person in 2 weeks. (Someone is quite the artist there!)

At 9:58 PM, Blogger The dB family said...

Sounds like a fun day!! I hope we have a Sunday like that soon. Whew! I need some down time. Love Mercy's hair!! She is sooo cute!!

At 5:44 AM, Blogger IronLa said...

What a perfect Australia!
The kids are looking perfect, too!

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Sue said...

oh, i think i forgot to put a caption for that first picture!! uncle adam bought julia the globe for Christmas, and we are now growing the world... with sprouts of some sort!! hahaha.

we haven't had quite enough sun to make a huge success of it however..

she likes to water it a lot though.

At 12:38 AM, Blogger derek salmon said...

that is a crazy amount of hair!!!

At 12:24 AM, Blogger Christa said...

I love Mercy's pigtails. My girls had them at that age too. That was back in the day when they would sit still and let me do their hair! :)


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