Wednesday, March 25, 2009


6 months apart, these two cousins played nicely "together" - since kids don't really play "together" at this stage but more side by side in their own little worlds.
these three cousins LOVED running and spinning and jumping and screaming and such. good friends. far across the country.
ooops. i didn't get enough pics of Malcolm's wedding... but this is a good friend of Bible school days with whom we sat at the wedding and reception. :)
the dinner shot. we had all 12 of us here a lot of the time. lovely. just lovely. my very generous and thoughtful mama is a great cook and menu organizer. :)
my dear Daddio. From him i have a love of the outdoors, hiking, mountains, camping, piano, and being by myself (the introvert side of me).
my sista. she is a great friend as well as wise counsel every time i need some help!! :) love you sista!!! can't wait for JULY!! aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
playing sticks.
the sand digger!
my sweet boy at the playhouse my dad built for us as kids. (isn't it awesome???) we used to sleep upstairs when friends came overnight! :)

THis is my dear Grandma, isn't she sweet? i love her so. she is very wise and faithful and beautiful.
Well that was some of our trip to friends and family afar.... :)


At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That playhouse is sooo cool! Your dad is so talented. andrew and Micah want one (well, a tree house) and we are trying to figure out how to make them something fun!


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