Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rib Out-ouch!

Thank you chiropractor Don- my rib is back in!! Why oh why does it slip out ?????
Another question for my readers: why oh why did a 5 minute run leave me achy when an 80 km bike ride didn't???????
anyway... enough about me... on to my lovely family....

Volleyball has begun!!!
Dave is leading a team again this year. i'm so so so proud of him - organizing a sport he never ever liked growing up, but discovered he enjoys now!! And trying to get new-ish guys to join! Being bold and brave enough to lead a group of guys that may have more experience then him. :)

Julia almost finished her quilt for Aunti Ann today!! :) there are two sides of the backing left to hand stitch.... she did such a great job and really enjoyed the project! :)


At 10:35 PM, Blogger IronLa said...

Ouch indeed! I've had a rib out before and my chiro was the cure too!
The running gets easier--trust me :)

Gorgeous quilt, Julia! You are very talented!

At 12:58 AM, Blogger Christa said...

Wow - great job Julia! Maybe you can teach me to quilt one day!
Great job to you too Sue, on the 5 minute run (more than my body can handle) and the 80 k bike ride.
And of course I can't forget Dave. Great job to you too. :)


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