Thursday, November 22, 2007

i have been tagged....

hey all

i was tagged by the lovely Nikk and now i must comply by playing the thankful game.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Write down five things that you’re thankful for.
  2. Tag five friends who you’d like to see participate in this meme.
  3. (Optional) Include a link to this post and encourage others to place a link to their completed meme in the comments section of this post so we can keep track of the thankfulness running around the blogosphere.
:) haha. here goes.... time to see if my brain can think about things outside of unpacking and grumpy three year old dilemmas. 

Five things i am thankful for:
1.) My husband - because he is the most completely perfect match for me and i could not live without him.
2.) Jesus Christ - because He is the One True God and i could not live without him either! 
3.) my kids - they make me laugh, cry, pull my hair out, learn about myself,help me understand my relationship with Christ and my sinful heart better.
4.) warmth - because i see a lot of people that look cold and have no place to warm up in our new neighborhood.
5.) community -  i am really thankful for the 'family' of friends we have at church, and our real family as well, for all of the help they have given us in our move.  i am so blessed and thankful for people who watched the kids , made food for us, washed our floors, scrubbed out the awful and disgusting bathroom, helped us move, etc etc etc.... we were overwhelmed by the generous spirit of our community.  my heart is filled with thankfulness because of all these things....

yep. i'm thankful. and i hope that it gives me the 'umph' to make others thankful as well.  i need to turn from this time of 'getting' and start to 'give' again. sometimes it feels like all we do is 'get' get 'get' and i need to get my butt in gear to 'give give give'.   i realize there is a season for everything, but i feel badly for receiving so much sometimes.  we don't deserve all this blessing, it truly is a gift from God.  it continually reminds us that we have not been as faithful to God as we ought.   

on the topic of giving: Some things have been running through my head lately.  i want to provide warm food, clothes and drinks for those in need, but i don't know if it should be an out of house project (which i have no clue how to do, and would take months figuring out with people who have done it before) or if i should just continue partnering with organizations that already do this........ anyway. if anyone reading this has good ideas of spreading warmth over this jolly cold season, let me know. (keeping in mind that i am usually home alone with the kids and will not be endeavoring to open my doors to ANY that pass.... hahaha, it just wouldn't be safe, obviously)

anyway. a little rant for the afternoon (which i nearly called 'morning' until i realized it was 2:30!!!) ha. 

love to all. from su


At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some great thoughts Susan!

I have no clue where to help - I mostly pray for opportunities to help, and voila! people start moving and preparing for triplets : )

It's good to be on the receiving end. Pride to feel otherwise at this time dearie : ) You have a big heart, we all know it... I love brownies...

We can brainstorm how to help others - maybe as a Bible study group....

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Sue said...

thanks nikk! i was hoping to make a group effort of some sort, it is way more fun to help people together. much more of a community bonding and growing time then. plus we each have different strengths to offer. :) for instance, you understand theology and doctrine and can articulate it well, that is a strength i need to learn from!! :)



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