school craze

Our work has centred around letter sounds and word recognition. Oma Naus brought us some work books from her school resource library that weren't being used, and we have enjoyed them a lot. (because they gave me some direction....) :)
So today we read Tad and Dad, and focused on the 'ad' sound in combination with the sounds 'l', 'd', 't', 's', and 'p'. we held up flash cards of the consonant used whenever we read the underlined words in the book. ie/ P for Pad S for Sad, etc. Julia had fun holding the "A" and "D" cards and saying, "A-D says AD!!" well. it was fun. i like seeing her enjoy the different learning styles we try. Interactive is always the best. especially when she is losing interest in the topic.
as a treat we pulled out the Scrabble board for some 'sounding' out practice. Julia loves playing games with us, so this was super fun for her. She chose the words, and we sounded each letter out together. i need to do some brushing up on my sound making, i need help being clear on the combination vowel sounds.... but i'll work on it... :)
we have a GREAT book from the library called "solids liquids and gases" put out by the Ontario science centre. We did the age old experiment of creating CO2 and blowing up a balloon without 'huffing or puffing' !! so fun. Julia's eyes lit up so much as the baking soda splashed into the vinegar and puffed up the balloon right before us!
The experiments are simple enough that a basic explanation can be given and understood by a three year old, and built upon for older more advanced kids, if one were using this in a group of various ages.
that 's all for now folks.
have a glorious day!
Wow! We are watching a genius bloom before our very eyes.
Oh wow, you're doing grade one work with your 3 year old! She is a little genius! She is blessed to have a Mommy and Daddy who love to learn and who have taught her to love learning as well! I love seeing what you are doing with her - you are an encouragement to me.
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