Christmas Tree Farm
This is it! we did our day of family fun at the Sloan Tree Farm in Bothwell. it was delightful! Karli and Mark came with us, and even though it poured all the way there and all the way home it was clear and warm while we visited the farm.
These trips come complete with horse rides, train rides, hay bale mazes, forts and camp fires for each family. we roasted hot dogs and ate christmas oranges while we absorbed the heat from our flames.... i love firesides! :)
THen Julia did something amazing. really, i was shocked. very shocked. it is so out of character for her to be daring. There is a zip line that you must jump from a ten foot high platform to ride, and Julia was determined to do it! i wenet along with this idea, thinking that as we stood in line waiting for her turn she would change her mind. was i ever wrong! even though the rest of the line (12 year old boys) was trying to scare each other with tales of falling, the rope breaking, etc... Julia stood her ground and wouldn't believe them. Once we reached the platform she was harnessed up (really didn't think we'd last this long ) and soo excited to 'fly'. THen she took the leap of faith, no hesitation. none. and off for the 50-yard fly she went.
Dave met her at the end. i wish i could have gone beside her to enjoy her thrill ! the first wave of adrenaline pulsing through her veins!! Roller coasters here we come!! :) haha.
Julia dancing as a 'snowflake' from the nutcracker. :) i think she made a pretty accurate costume.
Hey Sue, that's one cute pony. Okay, Dave and the kids are adorable too.
Zip line girl! Wow! You know what this means, Sue. She's inherited the mutant Ron/Holly gene. Don't encourage it. Nope. Nip it in the bud. No more fun for you little missy.
i don't know if she has it THAT bad yet. :) this is really a first for her. usually she doesn't want to even go down the slide at the park!! (which is why i am so excited about her bravery! hahha)
but really, i don't mind if she has that gene. i like it. admire it. only, i hope she has better coordination and know-how than i did, so she can survive with that gene.
su brave little-un there!! The farm looks like so much fun!! Seeing Julia in her snowflake costume reminds me of my nephew coming running into the living room in his PJ's with a deflated rubber ring around his waist and announcing "I'm a ballerina!!" while also attempting to do a leap in the middle of the room!! I love their imaginations and lack of inhibitions!!
it is so true ems! :)
imagination, what a wonderful thing.
wow Sue! What great looking pictures. Looks like the family had a great time at the tree farm! Did you find a nice one for the new house?
I have painted our windows, but since we are not going to be here for much longer, I haven't done any other decorating. Isaiah loves all the great things we see at the mall.
Hugs from our house to yours!
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