Friday, November 23, 2007

more of settling in..

ooooh mommy i love food!!
I love these stars. Mama Naus came over and made them with Julia a couple days ago.  the red-green one is my fav. i need to create a few more to hang in the door ways and such. :)
This is what we refer to as "the cave" and it is Julia's domain. her art work supplies are here, as well as all her kitchen toys. :) i love it. and as with most things in a preschool-childs' life, she is slowly getting used to it and using it more often as the days go by.
this was because she wanted a picture taken of her eating, just like Samuel .
Daddy did some school with Julia last night for "family games time".  They spelled a lot of "AT" words.  and then Julia read the book Nat and Mat along with Daddy.  i was amazed at the progress in reading just from one 'game' of spelling.  Julia responds much faster to dave's teaching than my own- i believe.  She cheated a couple times and just said the word she thought was there, hahaha, but i was impressed with the words she looked at and read. This was a reminder to me that i need to keep working with her as long as she wants to learn to read.  If she wasn't interested in reading, i wouldn't bother.  Mostly because she would not learn as well if she didn't want to learn, and because there is NO hurry to learn this skill yet. By the time she needs to read, she will. just like everything else. by the time it 'needs' to happen , it will.  

it is like Sammy right now.  He is so not even thinking about crawling, but when he needs to, he will.

anyway. i have a ton of stuff to do.
talk to you all later!!


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