adventure in nauslandia
dave had a 'close call' last week, when he was up his ladder - leaning on the cable's - when a telephone pole broke and fell over. (as you see here in the picture)
he had his ladder safety training just the day before this happened. if he had NOT done the training, he said he would have hurt himself because his method would have been unsafe.
good thing Cogeco takes care of their employees really really well, and makes sure they do everything very safely! and praise God for His protection
WOW. Yep, I would say that pole certainly looks unsafe. Dave, we are glad you are safe and sound!! And we wouldn't mind a course in ladder safety ourselves when you guys come out for know, just in case!
Wow! Freaky! Glad all is well.
Oh my! So glad you are safe. It was definitely God's timing on the ladder sfety course!
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