Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Every once and a while Dave and i escape. depart. breakout. take flight. flee....

...From the regular, lovely, and delightful routine of life. Thanks to a web service called travelzoo, we find travel plans that fit our budget. (highly necessary for this here penny pincher)

There are some tips I can share with you here, on how to make memorable-and-affordable outings.

1) Wonderful Friends (that actually want to see us.thankfully!) :)
We were invited to stay at two different homes of friends, which was so so so relaxing and FUN. I love the people God has put in my life. This took us far enough from home to feel "away" and kept the "lodging" part of our trip budget low. I was so touched by K and D. when we arrived, our hosts were not going to be home, so they left out Kettle corn, tea, tea, and more tea, and of course, they prepared their hot tub for us as well!! wow. thoughtful. We felt so blessed. and feel so blessed. :)

tip #2 - make special food.
Our friends J and P make awesome food. They were kind enough to treat us to a late night - post-kid-bedtime dinner of Blue cheese burgers and salad. mmmmmmmmm. Did i mention they make great food? They are incredibly hospitable as well. It is a gift. and An Art when it comes to J and P.

Hmm. Tip #3 ~ plan for inexpensive outdoor activities.
we played tennis, and brought along the frisbee just in case. :) we swam. we were going to jog as well, but never did. Wandering new trails together. sitting on the beach to read. Walking through a new town. making a beach side picnic. mmm. take along your own card and board games.

tip #4) if you enjoy quiet. with no technology. if that is your formula for a good vacation. well, just have your hubby's cell phone die the moment you arrive at your first destination. yep. unfortunately it happened. But dave enjoyed not having to answer his phone for four days. whew. it will be a bit of work putting all his info onto a new phone though.

Tip #5 - have awesome friends and family take care of children. THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH. you know who you are. :)

Above Photo: I had to capture the sign on this woodsy trail. I have never in my life seen a forest sign post that signals the "tennis courts" ha. so much for totally rustic hiking trails. oh well. it was BEAUTIFUL.

i absolutely LOVED gazing up the hill to see the sun's rays pouring over it. lime green leaves glowing in the evening light. aaaah. love it.


At 4:49 PM, Blogger Kari said...

Sounds like you two had a wonderful time!! Eric and I actually snuck away last week, too - although we stayed here in Winnipeg :) We also had a lovely, non-hurried, restful time, and it was delightful! I hope all is well with you!!

At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


ant :)

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Sarafina said...

Sounds great!!!! Glad you could get away (0:


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