Thursday, June 03, 2010

Other Stuff

Dave was asked to speak at Julia's School this past week. They do a weekly chapel, and he was giving the gospel message through some good ol' Cable analogies. :) He came in full uniform (as you can see) and fixed the TV for the principal. All the while telling the kids about Jesus and His sacrifice that makes it possible for us to be forgiven, and replace our sinful heart (the "bad connector" on the TV) with a new heart (new connector) that Jesus' love can properly flow through to others. :) it was cool.

After a couple weeks of beautiful, sunny, clear, hot and humid weather, we had a rainy-fog day. Unfortunately that fog day coincided with a visit from the Snowbirds to our little town. We made the trek to the airport, along with all of sarnia it seemed. The cars were everywhere... i felt like we had been transported in a dream to the Pixar movie "Cars". (which wouldn't have been far fetched, since we have been seeing that daily for rest time this past week)

The fog was thick, and continued to roll in once we arrived. by the time Julia and i walked to the nearest bathroom, caught a frog, picked some flowers, and turned back to our van- the show had been canceled and the line up to leave had begun. WOW. cars cars cars.

Instead of sitting in van-in line up. We chose to walk around the airport, see what we could see, and perhaps glean some sort of adventure from our field of grounded planes. 45 minutes passed: we walked, talked to friends we met along the way, meandered as close to the fence as we could to see the planes, and then went back to our van. Once there, a vehicle pulled up and dropped off two of the pilots! We asked for a picture, and they talked with us for a while: apologizing for the lack of a show, and informing us of their 11 am send off the next day. Julia was excited to meet them, sam looked confused, and Mercy had no clue what was going on. But dave and I were very excited to have found our adventure, and meet Marko and Tweetie. (the pilots)

I think the comical point in our story comes now... dave and i were chuckling about this all night. We had been wandering for 45 minutes, and friends' of ours had decided to wait in the line-in their van. Well, we just finished saying goodbye to the pilots, got in our van and turned to get in line when our friends' came into view. We asked to get in line, and they let us in - right in front of their own van of course... so we left the airport before them! (cheaters... we didn't have to wait in line!) We thanked them, and i yelled out the window: "you must be some fine Christian folk to let us in line after that long!!!" heehee. anyway. it was funny.


At 10:33 AM, Blogger Doug said...

We would've loved to have been there and heard Dave's creative object lesson at chapel. And to have joined you for the experience of "Cars" and the unexpected face-to-face with the Snowbird pilots. Great pictures!


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