Friday, April 14, 2006


Today we celebrated our salvation together as a family. Jeff and Tasha came from out west to visit us this joyous weekend. We spent the morning worshiping the God of the Universe, then lunched at Mom and Dad's and stayed all day.
Julia thrived in the love of two of her aunties today.....
Then she relished her moments of baby-love while holding Baby Ella, our friends' girl. sweet.
And here....the artwork for the day. Play-doh snails. ;)

As the sun sets on this quiet day of remembrance, we look forward to remembering the rising of the Son on sunday! Praise God for the gift of LIFE. I wish all could see the joy in His sufferings as we do.

Praise His Name!


At 9:56 PM, Blogger Robyn said...

what a busy day for the Naus family. Glad you had such a wonderful Good Friday.
Hope all is well in your direction!!

At 4:07 AM, Blogger poof said...

It looks like you had a lovely day Sue. As I see those pretty snails I got to wondering...when Jesus stepped into time...did it seem to take forever as He took our cup of suffering? I'm so glad he became sin for us, and that it is finished.

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Sarafina said...

Glad you guys are having such a lovely family Easter wkd!!! We miss you (0: Happy day before Resurrection Sunday!!

At 2:16 PM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

I love family meals together, and i am happy that you are near to family and can celebrate. OOOHHH, i bet Julia will really love having a brother/sister some day! She will be the best oldest sister.
I had a hard time being solemn on this good friday because i just kept thinking about how it all ends, and that just makes me so happy and rejoiceful. I kept calling it bad friday because i was no good at celebrating good friday, although it was a very good thing Jesus did, and without that awful, but good thing, there would not have been the wonderful ending of NEW LIFE. That was my dilema! For good friday we made perogies (my first time) with our friend, and then ate them with friends, and then went to a park and had a bonfire, played games, and roasted things over the fire! It was awesome. I like taking Corrina out to new places!
I imagine you will have the most amazing Easter, so i wish you well and will read all about it in a day or two i'm sure!
Love Janie

At 3:07 PM, Blogger Sue said...

you are hilarious Janers, sounds like a lovely GOod-Bad Friday. :) It is wonderful taking kids to new places. especially when they are memories to us, or things we enjoyed as kids (and now too). I loved coming to your wedding with Julia, at three months old she LOVED the new people, the outdoors, the sleeping on the grass, the playing on her blanket while you two walked up the grass was grrreat fun. :)

so glad to hear about your life and joys and frustrations (re: your last post....hahaha)

love from sue


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