Friday, December 07, 2007

I've been tagged....

SO, my lovely and eloquent sister has used force (tagging is force) to persuade me to do this game... so here goes:

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person’s blog who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. List seven random and/or weird facts about yourself
4. Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog.

7 facts about Susan Marie Naus:

1.)  As a child i lived in another world from everyone else. 

- Often my home was an orphanage, and as we drove home to it in our van (as a real family), i would be going over in my head which room i was told would be mine, and wondering how long i would have before my chores would start.  My 'other world' often challenged me with blindness as i would (in reality) close my eyes and try to walk from room to room... just to see if i could manage it. These stories could go on and on, but i think you have a pretty good idea now of what i mean by living in another world.

2.) I get very grumpy during the commercial breaks while watching tv. 

  -(hence the tv is no longer out, and we watch our favorite shows on our computer sometimes.)

3.)  I also get very grumpy in movie rental stores.

- (dave made me write this one. please don't think i'm grumpy all the time .  really... i'm not. just where media is concerned... sometimes)

4.) I have always had an awe for horses. 

-and as a child (is 19 still child?) i would try to get on anything that resembled a horse and pretend i was riding off into the woods..... these things included the tire on the back of our old van, wooden hope chests, rolled up sleeping bags, and the ever favorite mall coin-horse-rides (without putting any coins in of course.)

5.) The Great Outdoors Enrapture me.

- God's great artwork of sky, sea, land and plants have always drawn an ache into my heart.  i have fond fond memories of beautiful places where i could feel GOd's power in the things He has created.  Mountain, lake and cloud. aaaaawwwww.

6.) I never ever ever ever ever ever get tired of being with my husband, dave.

-this is something that is a wonder to the both of us. we spend so so so much time together, yet we only crave more and we never get sick of each other. i see this as a great gift that God has given to us. 

7.) order makes my brain happy.

- yep it is true. seeing straight lines, clean countertops, pages of To-Do lists, binders for Kid-Stuff, Recipe plans for the month, meals in the freezer, laundry neatly folded.......straight forward rules/standards, routine outings (library monday, etc).... oooooh i love it. this is my 'geek' area (okay that and not knowing how to drive to new places.... NIKK. haha)    i bought a binder about making your home organized... it isn't a HOW TO book , but a book of charts, lines, note pages, doctor info, restaurant info, kid info, home and car repair info... aaaaaaah, i'm so excited.

okay. that's all the entertainment for now!! i hope you enjoyed reading that!!

From: Susan Marie Naus
ps. i'm breaking the rules and not tagging anyone.... Muahhahaha!


At 9:36 AM, Blogger Sarafina said...

Ack! not tagging anyone?! well, I oughta....

You were so quick Sue! loved reading that, and I even learned something...I didn't remember about all the horse-riding stuff. And where did you get the home organizing binder...I NEED ONE TOO!!

At 10:43 AM, Blogger Sue said...

barnes and nobles.

it is soooo exciting!!

i considered getting you one..... maybe we can share? hahaha.

:) loves.

At 10:34 AM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

Is barnes and nobles a book store?

Just curious, always looking for stuff like that!

Loved reading tidbits about your life and happenings!

At 5:28 PM, Blogger poof said...

You are awesome Sue! I love your weirdness, but prefer to call it 'creative genius'.


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