Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Our Christmas Day

Good morning !! we decided to enjoy an early family Christmas this year, since we will be together with my folks for the real day.  I believe our tradition will be to have a 'present' day on the dutch holiday of Sinter Klass on december the 5th, but this year dave works on dec 5th, so we did it even earlier. i know i know, we are strange.  :) personally - i love it!! gift buying,  decorating, tree, food-- we get it all done early, and can enjoy it for longer.  (plus all the stores are still open, so when you decide to have a last minute special dinner, you can send someone out to pick up the Brie and crackers!!!)
Julia opened this gift with enthusiasm saying, ' oooooooooooooooh just what i've always wanted!!! a DRAFT HORSE!! '  followed by something like, ' i'll name it Draft-white-black-horse'.      why do the names always have to be what it looks like??? haha. okay, not always, but a lot of the time!!  that or 'pi' from 'national velvet' -  these are the repeated horse names... blacky, brown spotted, pi... etc etc. haha.
merry Christmas to me, lots and lots of cuddling! :) cuddle cuddle cuddle. 
oooooooooooooooooooooh i love Christmas!!
heehee. "i love all this crinkly paper you guys got me... wow.. and ribbon... thank you so so much!"

yep. sam slept through most of our Christmas present time.... but that's okay, he'll want to be up with us next year... maybe.

It was a delightful day of laziness. we played Wii for most of the day. breaking for food. books. playing.  piano and singing. you know. a great lazy day where nothing gets done....



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