Sunday, June 27, 2010


It is my dear Father's birthday today. He is a really neat guy. Neat meaning: adventurous (he has hiked every mountain in the world!! well, okay, not really, but sometimes it seems that way!! haha) , faithful, steadfast in his Faith (my mom and dad have been praying together on their couch before bedtime for as long as the world has been turning), loving, kind, sincere, gentle, humorous (in that silly, British way!), thoughtful (like the time he bought me oil painting books and an easel for my birthday as a huge surprise!!), slow to get angry, always thinks before he speaks (which is why he rarely has his foot in his mouth.... i need to learn more of this skill!!), and very very very very very patient.

There are a lot of other traits my dad has, but these are some of the ones that stick out the most to me. He is a great daddio, and i love him VERY VERY VERY much!! :)



At 8:25 PM, Blogger Sarafina said...

nicely written Sue, I totally agree...hope you're having a great day Dad!

At 10:35 PM, Anonymous Carla said...

Yes, he is all of those things and more, I can vouch for that. I guess you could say he's a little fruity (bearing the fruits of the spirit, that is).


Happy Birthday Doug...oopsy, looks like I forgot another of many.


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