Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Dear Folks, here is a tale of splendidness. Today was a delight, a reminder of the joy simple things can bring. Julia turned two. I think she is more of a mysterious joy every day (there are trials...but they are small in comparison to the amazement we have from watching her grow everyday). So much happened.....we began the day with her small gift from us. Because of our love of the out-of-doors, we bought her a rake to accompany her wheel barrow, hand rake, and shovel.
Then we set the scene: I laid scrap material all over the living room floor and we placed the wheel barrow and rake nearby. Rushing in to get her from bed, we sang happy birthday and cuddled. Daddy told her a big mess had been made, and of course, we had to check it out. (oh our particular and organized little girl, how cute) She immediately began cleaning it up with her NEW rake. :) what fun. she could have done that all day...but breakfast awaited. so we ate together....

.............not long after , a piano arrived(our little miracle piano, that came for free...all of it, move and all!!) !! After giving coffee and cake to our movers, we settled down to play a tune! Perfect for playing the BLUES. :).............we had a lovely surprise for lunch. Opa called to say he was bringing lunch. So Dave, Aunti Karli, Opa, the 'girls', Javier, Julia and I had a party at lunch. Krystal and Sarah bought miss J a dancing outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she wore it all lunch hour! :) ahha.
Our little architect announced to me that this play-doh sculpture was, "a house with a swing, mommy"....those were her words......i think she' s onto something....perhaps we shall have a swing on our porch.....

Here is Oma. She came to visit before work today, bringing a lovely gift for Jules. A wooden table and chair set!!!!!!!!! it is awesome!!! Julia loves it! I am sure she has been longing for something "just her size" and is here!!!
Well.............that was the FIRST half of our day....the rest will be posted and told either LATER tonight, or tomorrow. much love from us to you. THANK YOU to all that have given their love, time and laughter into our lives. it richly blesses us!!!!

love from sue.


At 11:15 PM, Blogger ellybeth said...

Happy second birthday you sweet girl! Tova has something very special to send you, but I need to get the new address to your loverly home from your mama. Wonderful birthday wishes and hugs being sent your way,
Doug, Elly and Tova

At 12:15 AM, Blogger Sarafina said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the fantastic Miss Julia! What a lovely first half of your day, and I heard the second half was just as lovely! You have such a beautiful family and wonderful friends!!
We send our love from afar...Miss Lesina says "Welcome to the 2s!"

At 1:49 AM, Blogger Doug said...

What a great birthday morning Julia had. And what a neat piano - your comment about playing the blues on it is my kind of humour. We're counting down the days now till we take off for Ontario. Tonight we went to Oma and Opa's and cheered him up (sinus problems), played music and scrabble.

At 7:55 AM, Blogger Robyn said...

Happy Birthday Julia! Taylor said he is sorry he missed it. We are all excited about the wonderful gifts you have recieved. I am sure you will all make good use out of the wonderful piano!!
Love and miss you all.

At 2:53 PM, Blogger DAve and JAnie said...

Yeahhh!!! happy happy birthday. I bet this birthday was a world away from last years birthday when miss julia probably played mostly with wrapping paper! your house looks just beautiful, and i love the new piano. I think that is the best piano color i have ever seen. Why do the rest have to be black? Does julia klink away at the keys?
I see some comments saying the rest of your day was just superb as well. What happened????
So, me and dave need to get a dutch birthday calendar i think because we just the worst at remebering bdays (are they just eh calendars that have lines under the picture to write names in on??). Well, not true, we remeber them about a week before they happen, and then forget. Ek!
I wish we could visit with you guys so badly. Anyone else you know getting married out here this spring? We don't know anyone there. When when when will we see you next? (we won't be going anywhere at CHristmas.. no holidays cause dave works at a church. hohum.) But, i am sure something will come along one day.
Well, happy week to you, and have fun celebrating all week long with Julia!
Adios friends

At 3:26 PM, Blogger Sue said...

Hey folks!!!!
thanks for the great comments, so so so good to hear from you all.

Julia loved her bday.

The piano is well played to this point. we sit and take turns... iplay a song and then she klinks away. it actually sounds good too. i really enjoy her songs. i should record them. :) She has a very interesting ear for music... haha.

cute story: i played a song for her, and told her that it was called " water falls " . so the next time she played the piano, she comes over to tell me that it was the "rain falls" song. hahaha. almost....

At 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Julia!! Did you know that you share your special day with someone else - Narissa! She turned 21 yesterday. My how the time flies! Julia is already 2 and Narissa is already 21?! Wow. And what a lovely new piano, Susan. I know it will be well played! Talk to ya soon,

At 4:49 PM, Blogger Sue said...

NATALIE how do i get ahold of you???? this is my only link...PLEASE CALL or email me your calling info...and address...or something.... please! :) haha.

i haven't talked to you in TOO LONG. :) let me know.


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